Wednesday, March 30, 2005

From The Baum Group files...
Believe and Trust
[A Reader's Request on Being Responsible]

Being responsible is being "response-able" (able to
respond) to every circumstance and situation that
comes your way.

Having thoughts and feelings about certain issues and
being responsible, able to respond from your perspective
requires you to believe and trust in your life's purpose,
what you know and feel to be true for sure.

Making things happen that bring you what you choose
requires you to believe and trust in your life's purpose,
what you know and feel to be true for sure.

Being responsible when you are challenged requires you

1. know your life's purpose.
2. believe and trust in your life's purpose.
3. commit yourself to living your life's purpose.
4. continue the action steps that lead you to
    your life's purpose.

Commit yourself to your personal growth and development
because personal growth and development is the purpose
of life, and your personal growth and development begins
with your life's purpose.

Believe and trust in what you know and feel to be true for
sure so that your business and personal life works for you.

Believe and trust your life's purpose.

Believe and trust your dreams.

Share your dreams, your life's purpose, what you believe,
trust, know and feel for sure with other opt-in readers here.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

From The Baum Group files...
On Leadership
[Reader Research Request]

We all have a leadership roles whether in business, family or individual relationships.

Recently, we received a research request for a Book List on Leadership
and found some interesting books that may interest you.

So here is the list with links for your review.

Authentic Leadership : Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Value
by Bill George

Becoming a Manager : How New Managers Master the Challenges of
by Linda A. Hill

Learning to Lead : A Workbook on Becoming a Leader by Warren G. Bennis
and Joan Goldsmith

On Becoming a Leader The Leadership Classic--Updated And Expanded
by Warren G. Bennis

The Heart of Change : Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations
by John P. Kotter and Dan S. Cohen

What Really Works : The 4+2 Formula for Sustained Business Success
by William Joyce and Nitin Nohria

When You Say Yes but Mean No : How Silencing Conflict Wrecks Relationships and Companies... and What You Can Do About It by Leslie Perlow

Winning through Innovation : A Practical Guide to Leading Organizational Change and Renewal by Charles A. O'Reilly III and Michael L. Tushman

Begin sharing the books that have touched your life -- with others here.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

From The Baum Group files...
Live Your Purpose

What is your purpose in life?

Are you living your purpose?

Arnold Patent in his book You Can Have It All writes about
Universal Laws. He maintains that your life works well
when these laws are followed.

One of the Universal Laws is that we all have a purpose
in life and that we are alive to live that purpose.

By finding and living your purpose (not your disappointment
or pain) in life, you open new frontiers since there is only
one you and your purpose is uniquely you.

Begin sharing by living your purpose with your colleagues,
family, friends and watch the change in your life.

You can share your purpose and the process you used
to find and live your purpose with others here.

Related Resources
The Purpose-Driven Life : What on Earth Am I Here For?
by Rick Warren
A Passion for Excellence by Tom Peters etal
In Search of Excellence by Tom Peters etal

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

From The Baum Group files...
A Good Thing

Staying positive is a good thing.

Looking at your relationships is a good thing.

Knowing what motivates you and others is a good thing.

Have you solidified existing relationships both in your
personal and your business life?

Have you initiate new relationships?

Have you converted one-time visitors to your web site,
and one-time buyers, etc. into repeat business?

Have you developed long-term friendships, customers/

Do you know your goals and the goals of your friends,

Do you know your intentions and the intentions of your
friends, customers/clients?

Do you know your values and the values of your friends,

What is the most valuable thing you have done in your
personal and business life so far this year?

We are asking you to look at the process you use to get
the results you want, and share them with others.

To do this, we have opened this Blog for you to share
"the process you use to get the results you want."