Wednesday, December 27, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Lessons Learned and What Really Works

This is the final One Minute Report for 2006, a good time
to take stock of the lessons learned and what really works.

Here are a few on our list.

1.    Answers are out there; you must know whom to ask.

2.    Anything worthwhile requires commitment, determination,
imagination, and persistence.

3.    Be grateful for what you have, be hopeful about the future
and believe in yourself.

4.    Create inspiring intentions by changing your limiting beliefs.

5.    Discover the joy of giving, and give every day in every way
by reaching out to others.

6.    Feel good in your own skin and ask for what you want.

7.    Find your voice and teach the world new ways to dream.

8.    Live your purpose to get the best from human nature.

9.    Make decisions that boost your morale and your productivity.

10.  Protect your health and stay healthy by eating fresh fruits
and vegetables.

11.  Wear shoes made of materials that "breathe" such as
leather and canvas.

12.  You bring into your life what you put your attention on.

        I want more lessons learned and what really works.

Create your list and share them with others.  By sharing the lessons
you learned and what really works for you with others here you may
find others who have similar lessons and what really works for them.

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you on the lessons
you learned and what really works for you.

And finally, remember to harness the power of your dreams.

                             Happy New Year

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Concierge Services : Lessons Learned and What Really Works

Deluxe Assistance : Change the Way You Look at Things
with Dr. Rae

Information Products
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Harness the Power of Dreams

Ask Us : help you with "lessons learned and what really
works." (Press Tell me more... for your Winter Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Self-Direction and The Power of Intention

Self-direction and the power of intention are skills that
can be learned.

For self-direction and the power of intention to work for
you, you must believe in yourself; and you must believe
that others believe in you and you believe in them.

Obviously, negative thinking and a lack of self-confidence
is disastrous in learning these skills because when your
self-direction and your power of intention is on achieving
certain desires -- you create certain emotions and thoughts.

With your emotional state and your state of mind on your
belief of achieving any desire, you create and translate your
belief on achieving what you desire .

One thing is certain...

Life gives you what you ask for.  You become and have all
that you desire by turning your desires into goals when you
harness and use the power of your desire with action.

By sharing your desires and the attitude of faith you have in
yourself with others here you may find that others have the
similar desires, and together you may be able to achieve all
that you desire for each other.

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you on
harnessing the use and power of your desires.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Concierge Services : Self-Direction and The Power of Intention

Deluxe Assistance : Change the Way You Look at Things
with Dr. Rae

Information Products
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Lessons Learned and What Really Works

Ask Us : help you with "self-direction and your power
of intention." (Press Tell me more... for your pre-Winter

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Big Goals : What Lights Up Your Life?

In the coming weeks we celebrate the season of lights,
what a great time to ask yourself and others...

"What lights up your life?"

As a follow-up to last week's report on how to create
your future with the choices and decisions you make

1.   have you begun to explore the fields of uncertainty
and chaos carefully?

2.   have you begun to find that by making your choices
and decisions proactively with confidence you are able
to make big choices, big decisions and create big goals?

3.   have you begun to find that big choices, big decisions
and big goals empower you to contribute personally,
professionally, financially and spiritually to the well-being
of others and yourself?

Share what you have found out about yourself with others

You may find that sharing, lights up your life.

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you on
your big goals.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Concierge Services : Empowering Self and Others

Deluxe Assistance : Change the Way You Look at Things
with Dr. Rae

Information Products
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Self-Direction and The Power of Intention

Ask Us : help you with "your big goals." (Press
Tell me more... for your pre-Winter Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Create Your Future Today

You create your future with the choices and decisions
you make today.

When you are in the throes of uncertainty and chaos wait
until you are able to make a proactive choice and decision,
a choice and decision that you are able to look closely at
possible consequences.

While the fields of uncertainty and chaos may cause you
some discomfort, these fields are where your creativity
and your empowerment are found.

Make your proactive choices and decisions with confidence
by exploring these fields carefully, and make big choices,
big decisions and big goals.

After all, it is your future you are creating today..

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you
on what you are doing about creating your future

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Concierge Services : Create Your Future Today

Deluxe Assistance : Change the Way You Look at Things
with Dr. Rae

Information Products
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Big Goals : What Lights Up Your Life?

Ask Us : help you with "creating your future today."
(Press Tell me more... for your pre-Winter Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Crying is OK and The Truth About Tears

Are you holding back your tears?

Step out of your comfort zone and cry when you feel
like crying because crying is OK in the workplace
and in your personal life.

The truth about tears is...

Crying is your body's response to the stress you are
experiencing and when you release your tears --
you lower your stress level.

Be the example for others and choose to release
your tears by finding a place that is comfortable
for you to cry when you feel the need to cry and let
your tears flow.

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you
on choosing to cry.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Concierge Services : Your Prevention Program

Deluxe Assistance : Change the Way You Look at Things
with Dr. Rae

Information Products
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

The Truth About Tears

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Create Your Future Today

Ask Us : help you with "crying in your business
and personal life." (Press Tell me more... for your Fall

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Addiction : What's Yours?

Addiction and addictive behavior is the result of an
unwillingness to accept, and an inability to deal with

People tend to turn to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and
other forms of activities that help them avoid feelings
such as anger, being alone, fear, hostility, sadness
and even being shy.

Not all agree on what addiction is because addiction
has been defined as being that which is ingested and
alters the natural chemical behavior of the brain.

Currently, many believe that any excessive activities
such as exercise, computers, food, gambling, giving,
pornography, sex, shopping, spending and work must
also be included as addiction and addictive behaviors.

So what is your addiction; and what are you doing
about it?

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments here.

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you on
what you are doing about your addiction and addictive

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Concierge Services

Deluxe Assistance : Change the Way You Look at Things
with Dr. Rae

Information Products
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Crying is OK and The Truth About Tears

Ask Us : help you with "your addiction." (Press
Tell me more... for your Fall Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Carving Out a Cause : What Do You Stand For?

What do you stand for is a question that is being asked
by many these days.  This question is being asked by
businesses and individuals alike.

Carving out a cause is what Carol Cone, CEO of Cone, Inc.

According to Ms. Cone "As cause marketing continues
to evolve, so too will the public’s expectations about how
companies address social issues.  In the next century,
“What do you stand for?” will become one of the most
commonly asked questions by potential donors, employees,
investors and business partners before entering into
any relationship.

There is no turning back now.  Cause Branding falls
at the intersection of corporate strategy and citizenship
and is fast becoming a “must do” practices for the 21st

So too it is with individuals who enter into personal

In an attempt to avoid any misunderstandings in building
a relationship -- "what do you stand for" and the proactive
question "who am I and why am I here" -- asked or not --.
becomes evident almost immediately.

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments here.

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you on
your business and personal journey.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Cause Branding in the 21st Century
by Carol Cone

Deluxe Assistance : Change the Way You Look at Things
with Dr. Rae

Information Product : Who Am I and Why Am I Here?
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Addiction : What's Yours?

Ask Us : help you with "your business and personal
journey." (Press Tell me more... for your Fall Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Creativity and Innovation

Have you ever wondered...

What has been will be again, what has been done
will be done again; there is nothing new under the
sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9-14 NIV)

After reading last week's Blog (see below) on tapping
into your inner resources, several readers wrote to let
us know that since each one of our inner resources is
unique as are we -- our creativity and innovation must
be too.

Still under consideration is this thought that even though
"there is nothing new under the sun" -- everyone's creativity
and innovation is unique, and therefore is new.

Do you agree?

In her article Innovation: The Classic Traps found in
the November 2006 Issue of Harvard Business Review
Rosabeth Moss Kanter writes "Every few years, it seems,
managers rediscover innovation as a revenue-generating,
profit-making pursuit.  Unfortunately, they often make the
same mistakes as their predecessors when executing
their innovation efforts."  In this article she offers ways
" avoid the pitfalls and create breakthrough products
and services for your organization."

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you
on your creativity and innovation journey.

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments here.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Deluxe Assistance : Change the Way You Look at Things
with Dr. Rae

Information Products
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Innovation: The Classic Traps
Harvard Business Review, November 2006
by Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Carving Out a Cause : What Do You Stand For?

Ask Us : help you with "your creativity and innovation."
(Press Tell me more... for your Fall Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Tapping into Your Inner Resources

Tapping into your inner resources to set your intention
on what you want goes like this...

Create a quiet environment, free from distractions and
begin to think about what you want.  Focus on and set
your intention -- what you want help with, what you
want to create in your life.

Keep your breathing open and let your body relax as
you think about your intention.  Do this as long as you
feel comfortable, and continue to do this exercise
whenever you want.  The length of time and frequency
is your choice.

Do not force nor expect anything right away.  Just become
aware of the changes in your life.

So put your intention out there and see your desires arrive
when they are suppose to arrive.

This exercise works for many, experience it for yourself.

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you on
your inner resources journey.

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments here.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Deluxe Assistance
with Dr. Rae

Information Product : Reduce Stress by Managing Priorities
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Creativity and Innovation

Ask Us : help you with "tapping into your inner
resources." (Press Tell me more... for your Fall Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Your Stress Matters Revisited

A couple of weeks ago this Special Report received an
overwhelming response when Jeffrey Gitomer included
it in his Sales Caffeine eNewsletter.

Pick up your complimentary copy of this Special Report
here and have Your Stress
Matters delivered to your Inbox

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you on
your stress matters journey.

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments here.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Information Product : Reduce Stress by Managing Priorities
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Tapping into Your Inner Resources

Ask Us : help you with "your stress matters." (Press
Tell me more... for your Fall Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Why Being Organized is Important

To achieve and maintain peak and effective performance
you reduce your pressure and stress being organized in
your business and your personal life.

You are in control being organized.

You are more confident in your decision-making being

First though, you must deal with these warning signs...

Are you on track with your "to do" list?
Are you flexible with (yet in control of) your focus on
your goal?
Are you in control of your time, your multiple priorities,
unexpected and difficult situations, pressure and stress?

If you answered "no" to any or all of the above...

How much are you willing to invest in yourself to achieve
and maintain your peak and effective performance?

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you on
your being organized journey.

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments here.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Information Product : Reduce Stress by Managing Priorities
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Your Stress Matters Revisited

Ask Us : help you with "being organized." (Press
Tell me more... for your Fall Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Decisions and Decision Making

Setting goals is not enough.  Being persistent in
setting action steps to achieve your goals requires
you to make decisions on how to get to where you
want to be.

Do you know that ALL people make their decisions
based on emotion and not logic?

Are you truly motivated and ready to make decisions
with the available information you already have?

Are you truly motivated and ready to look at your life
and your goals more closely?

Do you have the motivation to create the most meaningful
life you want by making decisions on what you want to

Since your attitude influences the life you are leading
now, by changing your attitude you change your life
when you are motivated and truly believe in your goals,
and your action steps.

Making a commitment to yourself, your family, your career,
your community and your world requires that you turn your
dreams into goals, and your goals into action.

That's right, the key is to be truly motivated and committed
to achieving your goals, and your action steps.

Are you truly motivated and ready to meet and exceed your
expectations with your decisions and your decision making?

How much is that worth?

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you on your
decisions and decision making journey.

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments here.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Information Product : Change the Way You Look at Things
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Why Being Organized is Important

Ask Us : help you with your "decisions and decision
making." (Press Tell me more... for your Fall Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Achieve and Maintain Peak and Effective Creative Performance

The most important ingredient to achieve and maintain peak
and effective creative performance is goal setting now.

Before you begin to set your goals, ask yourself this question
-- what if this is my last moment, what have I left unsaid and

By December 31 of any given year, your life is either better
or worse.  It is your choice.  As you begin to set your goals,
answer these five questions to help you figure out what is
important now for you to achieve and maintain peak and
effective creative performance.

What was important to me before, that I see as unimportant

What do I realize I have neglected that I want to focus on

What do I pledge to make important now?

What will be left unsaid and undone if I lost a loved one

What must I do to live my life now?

After answering the above questions, make a commitment
to motivate yourself and act according to the insights
you gain from your answers because insights without
action has no value.

You can achieve and maintain peak and effective creative
performance by replacing your old behaviors with the new
ones you decide on now.

Decide what is important to you now.

How much is that worth?

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you on your
peak and effective creative performance journey.

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments here.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Beyond the Buzz About Innovation
by Ed Bernacki

Information Product : Change the Way
You Look at Things

with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Decisions and Decision Making

Ask Us : help you with "achieving and maintaining
your peak and effective creative performance."
          (Press Tell me more... for your Fall Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Creativity and You

Creativity and you is about having the ability to create;
aka being creative.

By definition, creativity is...

...being imaginative rather than imitative.
...causing something new to happen.
...investing with and in a new form.
...making and bringing into existence something new.
...producing and bringing about by a new course of action
    and behavior.
...producing through imaginative skill.
...setting up new opportunities.
...thinking outside the box.

See yourself achieving and maintaining peak and effective
creative performance in your daily life by changing the way
you look at things.

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you on your
creativity journey.

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Beyond the Buzz About Innovation
by Ed Bernacki

Information Product : Change the Way
You Look at Things

with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Achieve and Maintain Peak and Effective Creative Performance

Ask Us : help you with "your creativity"
(Press Tell me more... for your Fall Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Everyday Challenges

Yes, we all have them yet some of us know how to
handle and learn from them while others struggle
to avoid them and pay no attention to them by
looking the other way or ignoring them.

So what are they and how can you handle and learn
from them before they become stressors, the cause
of your stress?.

If you let them, everyday challenges of dealing with
change, uncertainty and multiple demands can... you be a better observer. you be more mindful of your circumstances. you change and grow.
...offer you new opportunities. you up to new possibilities.
...provide you with information about yourself.
...tell you that you need to change the way you see things.
...tell you that you need to keep learning new things to be
   more effective.

With creativity, encouragement, enthusiasm and support
you can turn everyday challenges into new beginnings
and opportunities by being in the moment.

According to the renowned time management consultant
Donald Wetmore "...being more effective...requires better
ways of prioritizing your time, communicating with others,
and absorbing information."

We look forward to supporting you on your everyday
challenges journey.

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Information Product : Change the Way
You Look at Things

with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Managing Time : Expert Solutions to
Everyday Challenges

by Harvard Business School Press,
Melissa Raffoni, Editor

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

The Productivity Handbook : New Ways
of Leveraging Your Time, Information,
and Communications

by Donald Wetmore

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Creativity and You

Ask Us : help you with "your everyday challenges"
(Press Tell me more... for your pre-Fall Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Organic Whole Foods

In this report organic whole foods is getting our attention
because nutrition is one of the stressors to look at when
dealing with your stress reactions.

What are organic whole foods and what makes them so
important for your health and well-being?

Organic whole foods are foods that are non-toxic and not

Did you know that chemical toxins as synthetic fertilizers
and insecticides in your foods upset your body's balance
and may cause serious health problems?

There are well-documented, non-toxic and inexpensive
healing properties in, and health benefits from organic
whole foods.

Not only do organic whole foods taste much better than
processed foods and you feel much better when they
are the major part in your meal preparation, choosing
organic whole foods may help prevent health issues
in your future.

A common perception is that organic whole food is too
expensive that it is out of budget reach for the average
family and for the average single consumer.

According to Colleen Huber, a naturopathic medical
student, your family could be eating organic whole
food for the same price as processed foods -- or less.

Know what you spend on groceries in an average week
for all organic whole food and test this for yourself.

We look forward to supporting you on your organic
whole foods journey.

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Healing With Whole Foods
by Paul Pitchford

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Medicinal Benefits of Whole Foods

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Everyday Challenges

Ask Us : help you with "your nutritional stressors"
(Press Tell me more... for your pre-Fall Discount)

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Networking as a Marketing Tool

Networking as a marketing tool is exciting and challenging.

If you've lived anywhere for a long period of time, you know
many people, and you most likely know what they do.

Everyone has this ready-made network; unfortunately most of
us are not aware of or even know that this network exists.

Your ready-made network includes your family, friends, dentist,
doctor, lawyer, neighbors, club members, church and synagogue
group, sports buddies, kids' friends' parents and people with
whom you do business.

Identifying and using your existing ready-made personal network
is an exciting and powerful strategy for you to reach your target
niches and to increase your business.

With this active and growing network of people who benefit from
their association with you, you can count on getting help from
them when you want it.

According to Nancy Roebke, Executive Director of Profnet Inc.
knowing how these people can help you is "one of the biggest
challenges facing anyone using networking as a marketing tool."

As you continue to develop your network, begin to learn proactive
network strategies to help you meet your obligation to yourself,
to your clients, to your customers, and to your membership.

We look forward to supporting you on your networking journey.

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments here.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.  You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition and/or situation]

Related Resources
Learn The Basics Of Networking
by Nancy Roebke deals with networking as a skill
you can learn.

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Proactive Network Strategies Seminar
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates designed
to benefit you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Whole Foods

Ask Us : help you with "your networking skills"
(Press Tell me more... for your Summer Discount)

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
The Acknowledgement Key

For the past two weeks you have received the awareness
and the acceptance key.

Today, here is the acknowledgement key

The acknowledgement key is the last of the three keys to
managing stress needed for your survival.

The acknowledgement key -- just like the awareness key
and the acceptance key -- is the key...

...that empowers you.

...needed for healthy relationships.

...that helps you with what you have, what you need
   and how to get help from and to give help to others.

...that helps you make decisions to take appropriate

So, what exactly is acknowledgement?

Acknowledgement, as the culmination of your awareness
and your acceptance, helps you own your stress reactions
and is needed for you to move on.

By acknowledging that you aware and you accept that your
stress reactions exist, you are able to choose and decide
to take action.

The acknowledgement key is your choice to listen to, and
take action on your stress reactions that appear as a result
of your breathing, your environment, your attitude and your

The acknowledgement key is your choice for your life, your
health and your well-being.

We look forward to supporting you on your acknowledgement

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments

This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Getting A Handle On Your Stress
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with stressors, stress indicators
and how to make the choices that work for you.

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Networking as a Marketing Tool

Ask Us : help you with "your acknowledgement key"
(Press Tell me more... for your Summer Discount)

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
The Acceptance Key

Last week you received the awareness key.

Acceptance is another one of the three keys to
managing stress that is needed for your survival.

Acceptance -- just like the awareness key -- is
the key...

- that empowers your life.

- for healthy relationships.

- that can help you with what you have, what
  you need and how to get help and to give help
  to others.

- for making effective decisions.

So, what exactly is acceptance?

Acceptance is being used here as the ability
to endure without protest, reaction or approval.

Acceptance then is also ultimately your choice
for your life, health and well-being.

Acceptance then is also ultimately your choice
to listen to, and take action on important issues
like your stress indicators/symptoms that appear
as a result of your external and internal requirements.

We look forward to supporting you on your acceptance

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments

This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Getting A Handle On Your Stress
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with stressors, stress indicators
and how to make the choices that work for you.

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
The Acknowledgement Key

Ask Us : help you with "your acceptance" (Press
Tell me more... for your Summer Discount)

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
The Awareness Key

Awareness is one of the keys to managing stress.

Awareness is the key needed for survival.

Awareness is the key to empower your life.

Awareness is the key to healthier relationships.

Awareness is the key to help you with what you have,
what you need and how to get help and to give help
to others.

Awareness is the key needed to make effective decisions.

So, what exactly is awareness?

Merriam Webster Online defines awareness as "...vigilance
in observing or alertness in drawing inferences from what
one experiences."

Awareness is ultimately your choice to take responsibility
for your own life, health and well-being.

Awareness is ultimately your choice to listen to, and to take
action on important issues such as toxic environment stress
indicators/symptoms that appear as a result of your external
and internal environments.

We look forward to supporting you on your awareness journey.

Let us know your thoughts by posting your comments here.

        [This information is intended for your knowledge
        only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
        specific condition and/or situation]

Related Resources
Getting A Handle On Your Stress
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with stressors, stress indicators
and how to make the choices that work for you.

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
The Acceptance Key

Ask Us : help you with "your awareness" (Press
Tell me more... for your Summer Discount)

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Your Élan Connection

Élan is a personal thing.  It is about your energy
and soul connection to your life and your work.

Your élan connection is when your energy flows,
when you are at one with the moment, and when
you are moving to a higher level of energy -- of
creating and recreating.

Your élan connection is when you find the energy
to stand up for what you believe -- at that moment
for you, as for most people with élan, there is a
conviction, a vision, a heart that goes against
prevailing forces.

Your élan connection makes your heart sing as it
did for Peter Drucker when he set new standards
of service in corporations and agencies everywhere.

Peter Drucker's elan connection, his presence and
integrity lit fires and hope wherever he went.

Focus relentlessly on what matters to you!

Be kind, be sensitive and do everything from your
heart because it is okay for you to learn, grow, and
awaken your élan connection so that your energy
flows when you are at one with the moment.

We look forward to supporting you on your élan
journey.  Let us know your thoughts by posting
your comments here.

[This information is intended for your knowledge
only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
specific condition and/or situation]

Related Resources
Getting A Handle On Your Stress
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with stressors, stress indicators
and how to make the choices that work for you.

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
The Awareness Key

Ask Us : help you with "your élan connection" (Press
Tell me more... for your Summer Discount)

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Nutrigenomics and Other Lessons Learned

Nutrigenomics is the science of how the food you eat talks
to your genes, how your food and nutrients interact with
your genes to turn on messages of health and disease based
on understanding the unique ways in which your genes
and metabolism interact.

Other lessons learned...

- There is creative procrastination in the most valuable use
of your time by deciding what to eliminate, what to delegate
and what to farm out.

- The starting point for peak perform/ance is to establish your
priorities by arranging your values in the order of importance
to you.

And, the lesson we learned from our colleague Michael Masterson...

"If you want to accomplish something, just focus on the specific
behavior that will get you there.  Find out the exact actions that
others have taken to achieve a similar objective, and imitate
those actions, step by step.'s sometimes very difficult to take
that first step until you have cleaned out the negative stuff in your
head and replaced it with "can-do" thinking."

Remember the longer you wait to begin working toward the
outcomes you want, the more difficulty you have reaching them.

        [This information is intended for your knowledge only.
        You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
        and/or situation]

Related Resources
Getting A Handle On Your Stress
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with stressors, stress indicators
and how to make the choices that work for you.

Lessons Learned
by Roland S. Barth deals with shaping relationships and
the culture of the workplace.

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how to
make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Power and Persuasion
by Michael Masterson deals with how to command success
in business and your personal life.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Your Elan Connection

Ask Us : help you with "your lessons learned" (Press
Tell me more... for your Summer Discount)

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Setting Priorities

We all get the same number of hours in a day and the real power
in an hour is in setting priorities because without priorities, every
thing seems important.

Dave Lakhani's new book Power of An Hour : Business and Life
Mastery in One Hour A Week
outlines how the change you want
in your business and in your life can occur in just one hour because
of way you harness the hour.

Here are eight steps to harness your hour by setting priorities.

1.  Choose carefully in setting priorities in every aspect of your work
      and life.

2.  Decide on what your priorities are because all priorities are not
      number one priorities.

3.  Establish and set your priorities according to what you value
      most -- this means knowing what you value, what you want
      and arranging them in the order of what matters to you most.

4.  You have a better chance of achieving what matters to you most
      by being realistic in creating possible outcomes, and concentrating
      on the results you want.

5.  Concentrate on one thing at a time.

6.  Be prepared for conflict; resolved them by applying the following
      criteria: (a) outcome will benefit more people than the other, and
      (b) outcome will cause greater harm if deferred.

7.  Focus your energy on what you value most and be prepared for
      change.  Your needs and desires invariably change, so reexamine
      your priorities at least every five weeks.

8.  Include family members; make sure your spouse -- or significant
      other -- is part of the priorities-setting process.  Children, too, must
      have some say in priorities that affect them.

Remember -- in setting your priorities to-do list look for things that
will help you feel secure, happy and fulfilled.

Get going and start because the longer you wait to identify and begin
working toward the outcomes you want, the more difficulty you'll have
reaching them.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.  You must seek
prompt attention
for any specific condition and/or situation]

Related Resources
Getting A Handle On Your Stress
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with stressors, stress indicators
and how to make the choices that work for you.

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how to
make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Nutrigenomics and Other Lessons Learned

Ask Us : help you "set your priorities" (Press Tell me more...
for your Summer Discount)

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
EMFs and Public Health
[This information is intended for your knowledge
only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
specific condition and/or situation]

Electrical current installed in homes and office walls
creates significant electromagnetic fields (EMFs).

EMFs are environmental stressors with cumulative

As these stressors increases they eventually compromise
the ability to function.

If there is a predisposition to it, EMFs increase the
likelihood of serious physical conditions developing
such as allergies, illnesses and deteriorating health
for adults, children and pets.

While the World Health Organization through its
International EMF Project, is identifying research
needs and coordinating a world-wide program of
EMF studies to provide for a better understanding
of any health risk associated with EMF exposure,
placing particular emphasis is on the possible
health consequences of low level EMF -- research
and recent studies are finding that many cancers
and other diseases may be directly related to
exposure to these electrical fields.

Evidence is being found linking electromagnetic
fields (EMFs) to impaired brain function, increased
risk of cancer, headaches, fatigue, and degenerative
diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Any environmental stressor that has this effect on
physical health needs to be addressed.

Related Resources
NOW magazine, Toronto March 9, 2006
Wireless Net hoopla masks growing concern over
frequency pollution

Study : Exposure to low-level magnetic fields damages DNA

Getting A Handle On Your Stress
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with stressors, stress indicators
and how to make the choices that work for you.

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how to
make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Setting Priorities

Ask Us : help you "discover your EMF solutions"
Tell me more... (Press for your Summer Discount)

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Your Stress Matters - Part Two

Last week we introduced you to stress as a choice resulting
from the choices you make with the following stressors:

Breathing, Environment, Attitude and Nutrition [B E A N]

Today we are looking at the last two stressors [causes
of stress] and a few ways to manage your stress reactions
to them.

Your Attitude...

Blaming others for your situation makes you the victim
and this creates stress reactions.

Thinking positively rather than negatively, and using
questions that begin with what and how rather than
who, when and why helps you take control of your life.

When you feel like crying, cry.  Crying is one way your
body releases your stress reactions.

Your Nutrition...

Drinking caffeine creates stress reactions.

Eating 3 meals and 2 snacks a day work wonders.

Eating white products --sugar, white flour, white rice
create stress reactions

Fresh fruit and vegetables help reduce your stress

What about nitrates and preservatives, are they in the
foods you eat?

Bottomline, there are no "stress management pills" that
help you take control of your life, so go ahead and share
your feelings, don't act on them.  Instead discover that
your stress matters and how to live with less of your
stress reactions.

Yes, you are able to live with less stress reactions each
and every day; the choice is yours.  Discover your choices
~ your body is telling you what choices to make.

Related Resources
Getting A Handle On Your Stress
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with stressors, stress indicators
and how to make the choices that work for you.

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how to
make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
EMF and Public Health

Ask Us : help you "discover your choices"
Tell me more...
(Press for your Summer Discount)

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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Your Stress Matters - Part One

Did you know that stress is a choice?

That's right, you choose the cause of your stress by the choices
you make with the following stressors : breathing, environment,
attitude and nutrition.

Your breathing...

Check your breathing to see when it is jammed, natural, reversed
or shallow.

Holding your breath until after you have completed an activity
(talking, walking, etc.) creates a physical response, a stress reaction.

What is your physical response, your stress reaction?
Share here...

For natural normal breathing your chest and belly expands when
you breathe in and deflates when you breathe out.

[Caution : Go slow.  Attempting to fix your breathing style by taking
in more oxygen than your body knows may cause hyperventilation.
If this occurs, cup your hands lightly over your mouth (rather than
look for a paper bag) and breathe in and out slowly.  You can do this
while sitting or standing, preferably sitting.]

Are you able to follow your breath as it moves through your body?
Share here...

Your environment...

Living, shopping and working in sick-buildings and under fluorescent
lights create stress reactions.

What allergens do you live with every day?
Share here...

Yes, you are able to live with less stress reactions every day, the choice
is yours.  Discover your choices, do it now ~ your body is telling you
what choices to make.

Related Resources
Getting A Handle On Your Stress
by Dr. Rae Baum

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Your Stress Matters - Part Two

Ask Us : help you "discover your choices" Tell me more...
(Press for your Summer Discount)

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
The Power of Purpose

Yes, your purpose has power in the following ways...

The power of purpose...

1.    aligns you with your heart
2.    calls for your energies and talents.
3.    enables you to be authentic and complete.
4.    helps you choose what to do with your life.
5.    helps you feel a sense of balance in your life.
6.    helps you feel that your life matters.
7.    helps you know that your life is making a difference.
8.    helps you lead yourself and others.
9.    helps you live from the inside out.
10.  helps you live your dreams.
11.  helps you take charge of your personal and professional life.
12.  inspires you and others.
13.  liberates you and others.
14.  organizes your life.
15.  provides meaning in your life and in your work.
16.  renews your sense of aliveness.
17.  supports listening to your deepest yearnings.
18.  supports you in telling your truth.

So go ahead and discover how to live from the inside out; discover
your gifts; discover what moves you and discover the power of your

Do it now!

Related Resources
Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

The Power of Purpose
by Richard J. Leider

The Purpose of Your Life
by Carol Adrienne and James Redfield

The Seven Minute Difference : Small Steps to Big Changes
by Allyson Lewis

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Your Stress Matters

Ask Us : help you discover "your purpose" Tell me more...
(Press for your Summer Discount)

Learn More : Information Products

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
The Adventure of Mindful Awareness

Most of us live our lives on autopilot -- “sleepwalking” -- dimly
aware of what is going on.

How many times have you left your home wondering if the stove
was turned off?

How many times have you allowed yourself to worry about issues
and events over which you have no control?

In the midst of a busy day, paying full attention on the present
moment is mindful awareness.

Mindful awareness helps you...

...gain insight into how transient things really are.
...get less entangled in your thoughts.
...plan your daily activities around the pursuit of achieving
    your life's purpose.

As an adventure, mindful awareness helps you... aware of and focused on your life's purpose -- what
    ever it is. your life's purpose.
...gain access to those things that matter most in living
    your life's purpose.

Go ahead, start your adventure of mindful awareness -- living in
the moment -- living your purpose.  Do it now!

Related Resources
Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

The One Decision
by Judith Wright

The Purpose of Your Life
by Carol Adrienne and James Redfield

The Seven Minute Difference : Small Steps to Big Changes
by Allyson Lewis

Preview of Next Week's Blog
The Power of Purpose

Ask Us : help you with "adventure of mindful awareness"
Tell me more... (Press for your Summer Discount)

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Living Your Purpose

Are you being yourself?  Are you using your imagination?
Are you living your purpose?

Living your purpose is a way of being -- it's all about being,
and being can be learned -- being must be learned.

Finding and then living your purpose comes from within,
learning to make your unconscious conscious.

According to James Redfield "we all have a...purpose...
that once we bring it completely into consciousness,
our lives...take off."

First you must want to get inspired to live your life on
purpose, the life you have dreamed of, by making the
decision to define your purpose.

The challenge then is to find, define and begin living
your purpose.

According to Arnold Patent, the way to define and live
your purpose is to know yourself, your unique personal
qualities -- enthusiasm or creativity -- and how you enjoy
expressing these qualities -- supporting or inspiring.

Go ahead, make that one decision to be yourself -- use
your imagination and live your purpose.

Do it now!

Related Resources
Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

The Celestine Vision
by James Redfield

The One Decision
by Judith Wright

The Purpose of Your Life
by Carol Adrienne and James Redfield

You Can Have It All
by Arnold M. Patent

Preview of Next Week's Blog
The Adventure of Mindful Awareness

Ask Us : help you with "living your purpose"
Tell me more... (Press for your Spring Discount)

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