Wednesday, August 31, 2005

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Stress Matters

Not only does stress matter, your stress matters,
and here are 10 reasons why your stress matters...

Your stress matters because...

1.  getting a handle on your stress prevents distress.

2.  knowing and overcoming your stressors and stress
     indicators help you live longer.

3.  your life matters and you want to be informed.

4.  your stress can be life threatening.

5.  your stress tells you that your life and living your
     life's purpose is important.

6.  your stress tells you to consider your well-being.

7.  your stress tells you to take seriously the signals
     your body sends you.

8.  your stress tells you what parts of your life need
     your attention.

9.  you want to take charge of your life.

10.  your well-being and wellness matter.

Respect yourself and learn more about your stress.

Send in your reasons why your stress matters and
receive a 1 hour free consultation
Ask Us : ... for our Annual Service Plan to help you
with "your stress matters" by pressing here.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Cooperation and The Selfish Gene

We have all heard that sharing and cooperation
is what is needed to build relationships and to
live a good and peaceful life.

The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins attempts
to dispel this with his opening sentence...

"Intelligent life on a planet comes of age when it
first works out the reason for its own existence..."

Dawkins states that his "...purpose for writing this
book is to examine the biology of selfishness and

Although he is not advocating evolution based on
morality or stating how humans morally ought to
behave, his conclusions are applauded by some
and denounced by others because, apart from
academic interest, this subject touches on every
aspect of social life.

Loving and hating, fighting and cooperating, giving
and stealing, greed and generosity.

Read this book and decide for yourself if changing
the way you look at things changes what you look

Learn more.
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with "changes in your life" by pressing here.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Getting a Handle on Your Stress

Whether it's a different career, a new business,
a current or a new relationship "getting a handle
your stress" is an important skill.

How often do you find yourself needing to control

How often do you let go of your ego when you feel
the need to control these situations?

While having an ego is important, there are times
when ego gets in the way of getting what we want.

Do you know how to let go of your ego?

Did you know that your anger comes when you
are ego involved?

Take for example, finding yourself in a particular
situation that requires you to help someone who
does not accept your help.  Do you stay in that
situation, attempt to persuade and get angry, or
do you let go and leave?

Surely each and every situation is different and
each require your sensitivity and rational thinking
as to how to proceed.  Yet once you catch yourself
dealing from an ego position and you begin to
feel tense, your stress level rises and if not
caught in time you begin feeling distress.

And, you know that unless you start "getting a
handle on your stress" over time stress becomes
distress, and distress becomes dis-ease.

"Change the way you look at things, and the
things you look at change."

Learn more.
Ask Us : ... for our Annual Service Plan to help you
with "getting a handle on your stress" by pressing

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
The Power of Intention and Feeling Good

The power of intention exists in the universe as an
invisible force of energy.

You can learn to use this energy to co-create your
life because the power of intention comes from your

Did you know that...

...obstacles come from your thoughts?
...your present life situation comes from your thoughts?
...what you want comes from your thoughts?
...what you think becomes your reality?

Whenever you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts,
change the thoughts to positive ones.

For example, change "I don't have enough money..." to
"My intention is to have as much money as I need" or
"Money comes to me, because I see myself attracting
endless abundance."

Thinking this way opens you to seeing opportunities that
come your way as a result of this intention.

This is not a new concept, 45 years ago James Allen
wrote in As a Man Thinketh "As a man thinketh in his
heart so is he, not only embraces the whole of a man's
being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every
condition and circumstance of his life ..."

You are literally what you think, and your life is the sum
of all your thoughts.

In The Power of Intention Dr. Wayne W. Dyer offers
examples of how you co-create your life and how the
change in your thinking can change your life.

"Change the way you look at things, and the things
you look at change."

"What do you want?"  Learn more.
Ask Us : ... for our Annual Service Plan to help you
with "changing what you think about" by pressing

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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Gain from Your Intuition

Do you use your intuition to make decisions?

Here is what intuition is...

Intuition goes beyond logic.  Intuition backed
with logic is a very powerful decision making

According to Sandy Karn, a results specialist
and president of Creative Results Sources, Inc.
"There are actually two types of intuition.  The
first involves critical observation and heightened
awareness of everything going on around you
and all the factors affecting your decision."

"...The second type of intuition involves your
Inner-Knower - that part of you that is in tune
with the wisdom of the Universe and the rhythms
of Nature.  This is the type of intuition described
by Carl Jung and taught by people such as
Deepak Chopra today.  This requires shutting
down your active mind for a while to give you the
opportunity to go inside yourself and tap into this
Inner Knowledge.  We all have access to it -
however it takes practice to access it."

And, here is how you gain from your intuition...

Quiet your mind and calm your emotions.  Start
by paying attention to your feelings and physical
reactions and continue doing this as you make
your decision.

Take Sandy's Self Development Quiz here and
learn to gain from your intuition here.
Ask Us : ... for our Annual Service Plan to help you
gain from your inner voice, your intuition by pressing

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