Wednesday, December 19, 2007

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Motivational News You Can Use
- Revisited 3 -

"Live your purpose and encourage others to live theirs."
  [The Baum Group]

On October 10, 2007, you received the first preview to today's
Motivational News You Can Use

On November 14, 2007, you received the second preview to
today's Motivational News You Can Use

Here is the third preview of the Motivational News You Can
eBook Volume 2 now in progress...

• Anything worthwhile requires commitment, determination,
imagination, and persistence.

• Be aware, accept and acknowledge your strengths throughout
your day.

• Do what you can, and then let things happen.

• Motivation comes from within -- wanting to know everything
you can about what you do.

• Stretch and expand your abilities to reach your full potential by
taking charge of your life from within so that you are able to move
beyond the limits you set for yourself.

• You are the only one able to validate the worth of who you are
and what you do.

• You bring into your life what you put your attention on.

• You receive the best of human nature by living your purpose.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

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Meet the Best - III

"Show your appreciation by granting wishes."
  [The Baum Group]

What would your life be like if you had a personal coach to guide
you on a daily, weekly and monthly basis on information products
of your choosing?

Certainly your life is worth investing in yourself.

Here are two coaches who have touched our lives deeply in November
and we are pleased to share them with you in this third entry of Meet
the Best

Introducing with appreciation and gratitude this month's "meet the best"
Caroline Myss and Mike Robbins

Caroline Myss has been sharing her work with us for many years.

Here are a few thoughts from her book
Anatomy of the Spirit : The Seven Stages of Power and Healing

•  "Anatomy of the Spirit shows the links between emotional
and spiritual stresses and specific illnesses in the context of
the anatomy of the human energy system. ..By learning to see
your body and spirit in a new way that draws on old truths,
you...begin to develop a spiritual maturity and authority that
will change your life." [Book Description]

•  "I disappoint some people when I discuss intuition because
I firmly believe that intuitive or symbolic sight is...a skill based
on self -esteem. Developing this skill -- and a healthy sense of
self -- becomes easier when you...think in the words, concepts,
and principles of energy medicine." [p.12]

•  "Everything that is alive pulsates with energy and all of this
energy contains information. ...practitioners of alternative or
complementary medicine accept this concept, ...some quantum
physicists acknowledge the existence of an electro-magnetic
field generated by the body's biological processes. Scientists
accept that the human body generates electricity because
living tissues generate energy." [p. 12]

Mike Robbins just recently came into our lives when we needed
guidance to take us to the next level in our lives.

•  Mike's concept of "the power appreciation" has given us the
motivation to focus on the good things in our lives.

•  Mike's five principles of appreciation are :
               be grateful
               choose positive thoughts and feelings
               use positive words
               acknowledge others
               appreciate yourself.

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

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Creativity and Empowerment

"Carpe Diem"
   [Michael Michalko]

"One of the best ways to achieve and maintain creativity
 and empowerment for yourself and others is to set your
 intention on what you want.
  [The Baum Group]

Intention setting now is the #1 important ingredient to creativity
and empowerment for yourself and others.

Before you begin to set your intentions, ask yourself this question
-- if this is my last moment, what have I left unsaid and undone?

You know that by December 31st of any given year, your life is better;
and how you use your creativity and empowerment has a lot to do
with making your life better.

When you begin to set your intentions, answer these five questions
to know what is important now for your creativity and empowerment.

What was important to me before that is unimportant now?

What have I neglected that I want to focus on now?

What do I pledge to make important now?

What is left unsaid and undone if I lose a loved one today?

What action must I take to live my life now?

After answering the above questions, make a commitment to act
according to the insights you gain from your answers because
insights without action are of no value.

You are able to harness creativity and empowerment for yourself
and others by replacing your old behaviors, goals and intentions
with the new ones you decide on now.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

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Getting Published

"Carpe Diem"
   [Michael Michalko]

"You are an expert."
   [The Baum Group]

Do you have a story?

Do you feel compelled to tell your story?

Are you ready to write a book that tells your story?

There is a growing fascination with being an expert, and one way
is to get published.

Getting published changes you and your world.

Here are a few publishing tips and advice from...

  •   Dan Brown "All readers (editors & agents included) love to learn
    as they read."

  •   Judith Kelman "Write what you know, but remember that you can
    become knowledgeable about most anything by interviewing experts
    and doing comprehensive research."

  •   Keri Smith "Really enjoy yourself and the process of creating,..."

    So what does all this have to do with you?

    Read More >>>>
  • Wednesday, November 21, 2007

    NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
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    Generation Y

    “You may never know what result comes of your action, but if you
    do nothing there will be no result.”
    [Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology]

    Do you know and are you ready to reach the world's next generation?

    There is a growing fascination with Generation Y, the generation of
    individuals born in the 1980s and 1990s known as Gen Y.

    Gen Yers are changing our world, and by the year 2010, they are 70
    million strong in the workforce.

    According to Bea Fields et al, Gen Yers are the current and future
    leaders of companies and largest buying population by 2010.

    According to Bruce Tulgan & RainmakerThinking, Inc.®, Gen Yers
    are causing a generational shift in the workplace.

    So what does this have to do with you?

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    Wednesday, November 14, 2007

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    Motivational News You Can Use
                   - Revisited 2 -

    "You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them."
    [Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology]

    On October 10, 2007, you received the first preview to today's
    Motivational News You Can Use

    Here is the second preview of the Motivational News You Can
    eBook Volume 2 now in progress...

    • Begin and end each day with confidence.

    • Face unexpected challenges to open new opportunities
    every day.

    • Find great mentors and get inspired from their life-changing

    • Live from the inside out to discover what gets you up in the
    morning; and what moves you through your day. .

    • Make a difference by helping others aim high.

    • Start with an idea that comes from your heart.

    • Use color to convey your intentions. Red shows leadership.
    Blue instills confidence. Green inspires wealth.

    • Your dream gives you the power to make your dream a reality.

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    Wednesday, November 07, 2007

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    Meet the Best - II

          "People tend to make things more complicated
           than they are.
    "  [Dr. Rae]

    What would your business, professional and personal life
    be like if you had a personal coach to guide you on a daily,
    weekly and monthly basis on information products of your

    Certainly your business, professional and personal life is
    worth investing in yourself.

    Here are two coaches who have touched our lives deeply
    in October and we are pleased to share them with you in
    this second entry of Meet the Best.

    Introducing this month's "meet the best"coaches...
    Dr. Rae
    Mark Joyner

    Dr. Rae has been sharing her work since 1972 and on-line
    since 1995.

    Here are a few thoughts from her upcoming book
    What Makes Your Heart Sing?

    • When you feel tense, focus on the moment and begin
    feeling the difference.

    • Being stress-free is not an option to living your life
    because you need stress to live and be creative in giving
    and receiving what you are here to give and receive.

    • Being authentic awakens your creativity and intuition.
    Know what you want and who you are.  Your level of
    stress is your choice.

    Mark Joyner came into our lives when we needed some
    guidance to take us to the next level in our business,
    professional and personal lives.

    • Mark's concept of "simpleology" has given us the
    momentum to act in simplified ways when our thoughts
    are at their highest, and to refine our actions as
    we proceed.

    • "You have to expect things of yourself before you
    can do them."  Read more about "simpleology" here.

    • Simpleology has brought sanity into our lives.

    Read More >>>>

    Wednesday, October 31, 2007

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    Leadership and Expectations

           "My goal is to help you become a Remarkable Leader
            by unleashing the leadership potential that is already
            within you.
    "  [Kevin Eikenberry]

    Are you a leader in your business, personal and professional life?

    According to Kevin Eikenberry, you are born a leader.

    In his new book Remarkable Leadership he presents in extraordinary
    amount of ways how you can unleash "your leadership potential one
    skill at a time."

    Do you know your ultimate leadership expectations?

    Depending on what they are -- you are able to choose to make you,
    your business and your professional life benefit from your leadership.

    [SideBar : Your leadership expectations have physical components
    and are measurable.]

    Among our research finds of extraordinary leadership expectations
    that work are accountability, quality and service.

    Along with Dr. Wayne W. Dyer's presentation of the seven faces of
    intention - creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansion, unlimited
    abundance and receptivity in his book The Power of Intention, see
    if you find your ultimate leadership expectations in being happy
    and authentic  --  here  --

    Read More >>>>

    Wednesday, October 24, 2007

    NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
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    Happiness and You

    "May you enjoy happiness and the root of happiness,
    your well-being.
    [Dr. Rae, Founder of Your Stress Matters]

    Are you searching for happiness in your business, personal
    and professional life?

    During our research we found "happinessisnowhere" - what
    do you see?

    Now, say "happinessisnowhere" out loud...

    Did you see and say "happiness is no where"?
    Did you see and say "happiness is now here"?

    Depending on what you saw and said -- you are able to choose
    to live with more happiness, making you, your business and
    your professional life benefit from your happiness

    Your happiness has physical components and is measurable.

    Martin Seligman in his book Authentic Happiness, describes
    happiness consisting of positive emotions -- such as ecstasy
    and comfort, and positive activities -- such as absorption and

    See if you find your happiness in being authentic (see last
    week's blog on Authenticity and You below.)

    See if you find your happiness in living your purpose.

    You do know that we all have a purpose --a reason for being

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    Wednesday, October 17, 2007

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    Authenticity and You

    "Follow effective action with quiet reflection.  From the quiet reflection
    will come even more effective action."

    Peter Ferdinand Drucker, American writer, management consultant
    and university professor.
    [Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology]

    Are you searching for authenticity in your business, personal and professional

    Did you know that you are able to choose to live more authentically?
    Did you know that you and your business benefit from your authenticity?

    According to Webster's dictionary authenticity means being true to your own
    personality, spirit, or character.

    Authenticity comes from a quiet mind and a calm body.

    Authenticity comes from quiet reflection.

    Authenticity is becoming more important in dealing with the external world,
    and is extremely powerful.

    Authenticity works because when you are yourself it is easier to be consistent
    in your dealing with others, and this is an advantage.

    You become more authentic when you listen to the voice of your soul, your inner
    voice, and when you are ready to hear you -- you are able to deliver you to others.

    An essential features of authenticity is your commitment to yourself, and your gift
    to others.

    Among the many other features and benefits of authenticity are...

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    Wednesday, October 10, 2007

    NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Motivational News You Can Use

    "You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them."
    [Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology]

    On August 19, 2007, you received an introduction to today's Motivational
    News You Can Use
    ; and since the Motivational News You Can Use eBook
    Volume 1 has been very well received -- we've decided to update this edition

    Here is a preview of the Motivational News You Can Use eBook Volume 2
    now in progress...

  • A commitment to your project, to your service, and to yourself is
    an essential ingredient to being motivated.

  • Asking for motivational help is a gift you are able to give to another

  • Creativity, determination and imagination are rare motivational

  • Discover your motivation by valuing your creativity, determination
    and imagination.

  • Love what you do and do what you love.

  • People only remember how you make them feel.

  • Take action by offering, revealing and sharing your skills to help
    and be of service to others.

  • Turn your wants and your wishes into plans for action.

    Read More >>>>
  • Wednesday, October 03, 2007

    NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
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    Meet the Best

    "There are two great days in a person's life. the day we are born
    and the day we discover why." - William Barclay

    Being on-line for more than 12 years -- as we have -- gives us an

    Beginning with the first edition of each month we are going to
    introduce you to whom we have met during the past month.

    Feel free to share whom you have met that have made a difference
    in your business and personal life.

    Here are two voices that have touched us deeply and we are
    pleased to share them with you today in this new category
    we call Meet the Best.

    Introducing this month's "meet the best"...
    Pema Chödrön and Michael Masterson.

    We first found Pema while searching for some comfort in our
    personal life.

    From her book When Things Fall Apart : Heart Advice for
    Difficult Times
    we found the following thoughts...

    "Times are difficult globally; awakening is no longer a luxury
    or an ideal.  It's becoming critical.  We don't need to add more
    depression, more discouragement, or more anger to what's
    already here.  It's becoming essential that we learn how to relate
    sanely with difficult times.  The earth seems to be beseeching us
    to connect with joy and discover our innermost essence.  This is
    the best way we can benefit others."  [p.121]

    "There are three techniques [methods] for working with chaos,
    difficulties, and unwanted events in our daily lives."  [p.121]

    "The main point of these methods is to dissolve the dualistic
    struggle, our habitual tendency to struggle against what's
    happening to us or in us.  These methods instruct us to
    move toward difficulties rather than backing away.  We don't
    get this kind of encouragement very often." [p.123]

    Michael came into our lives when we needed some guidance
    to take us to the next level in our business.

    Michael's concept of "ready fire aim" has given us the momentum
    to act when our thoughts are at their highest and refine our actions
    as we proceed.  Read more on this here

    Material wealth does matter.  It gives you the ability to help your
    friends, provide for your family, pursue your interests, and be an
    inspirational role model as a financial supporter of worthy causes.

    Read More >>>>

    Wednesday, September 26, 2007

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    What Makes Your Heart Sing? - 2

    "Brains are overrated, what is your heart saying?"
    [Dr. Rae, Founder of Your Stress Matters]

    Here are some more thoughts found while writing Dr. Rae's
    upcoming book What Makes Your Heart Sing? for you.

    See how many apply to you.

    - Being surrounded by my family, friends
      and people who respect me...
    - Having great memories...
    - Listening to my heart...
    - When I am happy....
    - When I let my heart lead me...
    - When I live in the moment...
    - When I make memories...
    - When I remember loving and being loved...

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    Wednesday, September 19, 2007

    NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
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    on eSolutions...
    What Makes Your Heart Sing?

    "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today."
    [Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology]

    Some thoughts on what we found for you while writing our upcoming
    book What Makes Your Heart Sing?

    From Dr. Rae
    *  Treat everybody as somebody.

    From Tom Peters' Manifesto This I Believe! - Tom's 60 TIBs
    *  Action trumps words.
    *  Change takes as long as you think it takes.
    *  Change is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
    *  Excellence is a state of mind.
    *  Have you begun The Story of You -- your First Annual Report?
    *  Influencing others to make things happen is selling.
    *  It's never too early or too late to have a big idea by dreaming big.
    *  Possibilities is a state of mind.
    *  Powerlessness is a state of mind.
    *  What you choose not to do is as important as what you choose to do.

    From Mahatma Ghandi
    *  You must be the change you want to see in the world.

    From Michael Masterson's Automatic Wealth : 6 Steps to Financial

    *  Focus on making money.
    *  Material wealth does matter.  It gives you the ability to help your friends,
    provide for your family, pursue your interests, and be an inspirational role
    model as a financial supporter of worthy causes.
    *  To be financially independent is to be able to do what ever you want
    without worrying about money.

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    Wednesday, September 12, 2007

    NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
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    What a Difference a Day Makes

    "Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great
    was ever achieved."
    [Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology]

    Some thoughts on what we found while researching What a
    Difference a Day Makes
    for you.

    Do you know that what you do every day means everything
    in your business and in your personal life every day?

    What a difference a day makes when you...

    ...are determined to reach your goal/s.
    ...are energized, enthused and feeling great.
    ...are grateful.
    ...are juggling multiple projects
    ...become motivated. for yourself and others.
    ...change your attitude and your thinking
    ...choose to change your life from what is
        to what you want your life to be.
    ...come out from hiding. what you love and do it well what you do. your heart.
    ...strive for excellence
    ...tell the truth.

    At the end of the day... attract into your life what you want by what you choose
    and are grateful for.

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    Wednesday, September 05, 2007

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    Excellence Requires Gratitude

    "We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then, is not an act,
    but a habit." - Aristotle
    [Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology]

    Some thoughts on what we found while researching Excellence
    Requires Gratitude
    for you.


    ...changes lives, is needed in an emerging global economy
    and starts with you. a result, a choice, and now thanks to Mark Joyner [see
    Aristotle's quote above] a habit. all about caring, gratitude and loving what you do.

    ...means everything to your business and your life.

    Gratitude as a key requirement for business and personal excellence...

    " the substance of a heart ready to show appreciation, or thankfulness;
    it is...the combination of a state of being and an emotion; often accompanied
    by a desire to thank them, or to reciprocate for a favour they have done for
    you." (Source : Wikipedia)

    To continue our research on gratitude we went to our colleague Kevin
    and found this...

    "Gratitude is an attitude.  Gratitude is a choice.  And gratitude is a habit.
    When we consciously practice being grateful for the people, situations
    and resources around us we begin to attract better relationships and results.
    The habit will be strengthened as you make the choice each day."

    Gratitude comes from a place of love.  By keeping your heart open to life
    -- being grateful attracts gratitude into your life.

    What this means is that you attract into your life what you think about
    and you attract into your life what you are grateful for.

    When you think about being grateful in having excellence in your life,
    you attract excellence into your life.

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    Wednesday, August 29, 2007

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    Networking Changes Lives

    "The hardest part of any undertaking is simply getting started!"
    "Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you."
    [Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology ~]

    Some thoughts on what we found while researching Networking
    Changes Lives
    for you.

    You + Us = Networking.

    Networking means everything in business and in life.

    Networking is all about...
    ...making connections.
    ...making a difference.
    ...friendship and communication.
    ...collaboration and building relationships.
    ...changing lives.

    Networking changes lives when you...
    ...think outside the box.
    ...look at any situation from a new perspective.
    ...are the change.

    Don Tapscott, a proponent of peering, sharing, and open-source
    thinking, presents a clear and exciting preview of how peer innovation
    changes everything.

    According to Tapscott, networking is needed to succeed in an emerging
    global economy.

    Read More >>>>

    Wednesday, August 22, 2007

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    Self-Direction and Your Élan Connection

    "The hardest part of any undertaking is simply getting started!"
    [Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology ~]

    Self-direction and your élan connection are two primary concepts
    presented over the 35 years we have been coaching and counseling.

    Did you know that your self-direction and your élan connection come

    ...focusing on what matters to you and what you want?

    ...listening to the lessons life gives you?


    ...your expectations? (So keep your expectations high and positive.)'s purpose? (You do know what that is don't you?)

    Self-direction and your élan connection drive you to keep up-to-date
    with change -- as a lifelong learner.

    Being aware of how you learn and how you teach others to learn brings
    up these questions to shift you into action...

    Are you a self-directed learner or do you wait for others to direct you?
    Is your self-direction and your élan connection all you want them to be?
    Is your self-direction and your élan connection your number one priority?

    Your self-direction and your élan connection take time -- time to be aware,
    listen, and learn to trust yourself.

    Your self-direction and your élan connection change your life from ordinary
    to extraordinary and remarkable.

    This process may cause you some stress.

    To take your self-direction and élan connection to the next level you must
    choose to...

    ...get out of your comfort zone.
    ...invest in yourself.
    ...make a difference.
    ...take yourself seriously.
    ...use a proactive approach and stay in the moment.

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    Wednesday, August 15, 2007

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    Motivation News You Can Use

    Do you motivate yourself?
    Do you wait for others to motivate you?
    Is what motivates you all that you want it to be?
    Is your motivation your number one priority?
    What motivates you?

    Motivation takes time -- time to listen and learn to trust yourself.

    By trusting yourself, you change your life from ordinary to one that
    is extraordinary and remarkable.

    This process may cause you some stress.

    To take your motivation to the next level you must choose to...

    ...get out of your comfort zone.
    ...invest in yourself.
    ...make a difference.
    ...take yourself seriously.
    ...use a proactive approach and think solutions.

    The secret to motivation is being bold and thinking big.

    On Contests & Polls we found the following response results to this
    question "what motivates you?"

    Help Others -- 29%
    Make Money -- 14%
    Be Famous -- 11%
    Be Loved -- 11%
    Have a Meaningful Life -- 36%

    Motivation comes from listening to the lessons life gives you.

    Motivation comes from within

    Motivation comes from your life's purpose.

    Read More >>>>

    Wednesday, August 08, 2007

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    Paying Attention to Your Intuition

    Paying attention to your intuition is being revisited after receiving
    several requests for this subject, and because it is a key chapter
    in our upcoming book What Makes Your Heart Sing?

    Do you trust yourself?

    Is your life all that you want it to be?

    Is your life your number one priority?

    Paying attention to your intuition takes time -- time to listen
    and learn to trust your intuition.

    This process may cause you some stress.

    To take paying attention to your intuition to the next level
    you must choose to...

    ...get out of your comfort zone.
    ...invest in yourself.
    ...make a difference.
    ...take yourself seriously.
    ...use a proactive approach and ask "what is my purpose in life?"

    By being open to and trusting your intuition, you change your life
    into one that is extraordinary.

    Read More >>>>

    Wednesday, August 01, 2007

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    Self-Esteem and Believing in Yourself
    Making a Difference in Your Life

    Do you trust yourself?

    Is your self-esteem and believing in yourself all that you want it to be?

    Is your self-esteem and believing in yourself.your number one priority?

    Your self-esteem and believing in yourself takes time; time to listen to
    and learn from others and yourself.  This process may cause you some
    stressful moments.

    To take your self-esteem and believing in yourself to the next level
    you must choose to...

    ...create a lasting impression.
    ...get out of your comfort zone.
    ...invest in yourself.
    ...make a difference.
    ...take your self seriously.
    ...use a proactive approach and ask "who is going to stop me?"

    Read More >>>>

    Wednesday, July 25, 2007

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    Building Relationships
    Making a Difference in Your Life

    Are your business and personal relationships all that you want
    them to be?

    Do you make building relationships your number one priority?

    Do you trust those with whom you are building relationships?

    Building relationships can be stressful.

    Truly trusting and proactive relationships take time. Time to
    listen to and learn from each other.

    Are you ready to take your relationships to the next level?

    Yes, you can choose to...

    ...create a lasting relationship.
    ...get out of your comfort zone to get to the next
        level of your relationships.
    ...invest in yourself while building your business
        and personal relationships.
    ...make a difference in each others lives.
    ...take building relationships seriously.
    ...use a proactive approach.and ask lots questions.

    At the end of the day, the secret is...

    You must be bold to be great in building relationships.

    Share your feelings and thoughts with others here because
    this is the week to concentrate on building relationships.

    We encourage and support you on building relationships.

            [This information is intended for your knowledge
            only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
            specific condition and/or situation]

    Related Resources and Sponsors
    Concierge Services
    Building Relationships

    Deluxe Assistance
    Stress Consultation
    with Dr. Rae

    Information Products
    You and The Law of Attraction
    with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

    Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
    by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
    to make decisions that work.

    Motivational News You Can Use eBook
    by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
    motivational tips that work for you.

    Weekly TeleClasses
    with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
    being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
    to release your stress reactions.

    Preview of Next Blog
    Self-Esteem and Believing in Yourself

    Ask Us : ...for our Annual Service Plan to help you with
    "building relationships" by pressing tell me more for
    your Summer Discount.

    Learn More : Information Products

    Wednesday, July 18, 2007

    NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Your Marketing and Sales Approach
    Making a Difference in Your Life

    Is your marketing and sales approach proactive?

    Do you make your decisions with consequences in mind?

    Using a proactive approach for your marketing and sales decisions
    means knowing whether you can live the consequences of your
    decisions -- makes these decisions work for you and for those to
    whom you present them.

    A truly proactive marketing and sales approach takes time. Time
    to listen to and learn from your clients/customers, and the world
    around you.

    Are you ready to take your marketing and sales approach to the
    next level?

    Yes, you can choose to be remarkable by...
    ...creating a lasting impression. much you are willing to invest in yourself.
    ...making a difference in people's lives.
    ...taking your marketing and sales approach seriously.
    ...the questions you ask.
    ...using an 8 dimension proactive marketing and sales approach.

    At the end of the day, the secret is taking your marketing and sales
    approach seriously.

    Share your feelings and thoughts with others here because this is
    the week to take your marketing and sales approach seriously.

    We encourage and support you on taking your marketing and sales
    approach seriously.

                   [This information is intended for your knowledge
                   only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
                   specific condition and/or situation]

    Related Resources and Sponsors
    Concierge Services
    8 Dimensions Proactive Marketing
    and Sales Approach

    Deluxe Assistance
    Creativity and Empowerment
    with Dr. Rae

    Information Products
    Marketing in the 21st Century :
    Building Relationships with Less Stress

    with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

    Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
    by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
    to make decisions that work.

    Motivational News You Can Use eBook
    by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
    motivational tips that work for you.

    Weekly TeleClasses
    with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
    being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
    to release your stress reactions.

    Preview of Next Blog
    Building Relationships

    Ask Us : ...for our Annual Service Plan to help you with
    "your proactive marketing and sales approach" by pressing
    tell me more for your Summer Discount.

    Learn More : Information Products

    Wednesday, July 11, 2007

    NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Take Your Emotions Seriously
    Making a Difference in Your Life

    Did you know that emotions influence behavior?

    Did you know that you can choose to act on your emotions
    or share them?

    It is best to share rather than act on your emotions because
    emotions are irrational; and when you act on your emotions
    there is a tendency to come across as a victim.

    When you share your emotions you begin find your emotional
    strength and begin to teach others what you want from your
    relationship with them.

    Even though emotions take many forms, we all know what
    emotions feel like, it is what we do with them that counts.

    We all worry sometimes.  We all get scared sometimes.
    These are normal, even healthy, responses to threatening

    If you are among those who need help with dealing with
    extreme worry or fear all the time, you must take these
    emotions seriously and seek prompt attention from your
    healthcare provider.

    Life is all about the choices we make, so learn to take your
    emotions seriously.

    To keep opening your heart -- compassion and love are the
    most necessary emotions of all.

    Find the courage to put yourself out there by...
    ...challenging yourself to accept and share your emotions.

    Are you ready to take your emotions seriously and choose
    to be remarkable by...
    ...creating a lasting impression? much you are willing to invest in yourself?
    ...making a difference in people's lives?
    ...taking your emotions seriously?
    ...the questions you ask?

    At the end of the day, the secret to emotional strength is
    finding your center, your core.  Plus, taking your emotions
    seriously makes your heart sing.

    Share your feelings and thoughts with others here because
    this is the week to take your emotions seriously.

    We encourage and support you on taking your emotions

           [This information is intended for your knowledge
            only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
            specific condition and/or situation]

    Related Resources and Sponsors
    Concierge Services
    Take Your Emotions Seriously

    Deluxe Assistance
    A Quiet Mind and A Calm Body
    with Dr. Rae

    Information Products
    The Power of Collaboration
    with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

    Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
    by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
    to make decisions that work.

    Motivational News You Can Use eBook
    by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
    motivational tips that work for you.

    Weekly TeleClasses
    with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
    being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
    to release your stress reactions.

    Preview of Next Blog
    Your Marketing and Sales Approach

    Ask Us : ...for our Annual Service Plan to help you with
    "taking your emotions seriously" by pressing tell me more
    for your Summer Discount.

    Learn More : Information Products

    Wednesday, June 27, 2007

    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Lessons Learned
    Making a Difference in Your Life

    We all have 24 hours every day to get one step closer
    to the outcomes and results we want.

    This moment is with us wherever we are... make this moment our teacher.

    Think bigger by...
    ...going to and celebrating the places that scare us.
    ...starting with our struggles
    ...treating our struggles with compassion.

    The tougher the challenge the greater the reward.

    Life is all about the choices we make every day.

    Learn to use our energy wisely.

    Find the courage to put ourselves out there by...
    ...challenging ourselves to accept new ideas.

    Compassion and love are the most necessary lesson
    of all, so keep opening our hearts.

    Choose to be remarkable by...
    ...creating a lasting impression.
    ...making a difference in people's lives.
    ...the questions we ask.

    Are you ready?

    Decide what is important to you now, and how much
    you are willing to invest in yourself.

    At the end of the day, the lessons you learned make
    your heart sing.

    Share your feelings and thoughts with others here
    because this is the week to work on on the lessons
    you learn.

    We encourage and support you on the lessons
    you learn.

    [This information is intended for your knowledge
     only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
     specific condition and/or situation]

    Related Resources and Sponsors
    Concierge Services
    Lessons Learned

    Deluxe Assistance
    A Quiet Mind and A Calm Body
    with Dr. Rae

    Information Products
    The Power of Collaboration
    with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

    Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
    by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
    to make decisions that work.

    Motivational News You Can Use eBook
    by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
    motivational tips that work for you.

    Weekly TeleClasses
    with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
    being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
    to release your stress reactions.

    Preview of Next Blog
    July 11, 2007

    Take Your Emotions Seriously

    Ask Us : ...for our Annual Service Plan to help you with
    the "lessons you learned" by pressing tell me more for
    your Summer Discount.

    Learn More : Information Products

    Wednesday, June 20, 2007

    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Why Being Organized is Important
    Making a Difference in Your Life

    A well-spent day begins with being organized...

    You reduce your pressure and stress when you are organized
    in your business and in your personal life.

    You are in control when you are organized .

    You are more confident in your decision-making when you are

    First though, you must deal with these warning signs...

    Are you on track with your "to do" list?
    Are you flexible with (yet in control of) your focus on
    your goal?
    Are you in control of your time, your multiple priorities,
    unexpected and difficult situations, pressure and stress?

    If you answered "no" to any or all of the above...

    Are you ready to be organized?

    Decide what is important to you now.  And, how much are you
    willing to invest in yourself being organized?

    At the end of the day, being organized makes your heart sing.

    Share your feelings and thoughts with others here because this
    is the week to work on being organized.

    We encourage and support you on being organized.

              [This information is intended for your knowledge
              only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
              specific condition and/or situation]

    Related Resources and Sponsors
    Concierge Services
    Why Being Organized is Important

    Deluxe Assistance
    Achieve and Maintain Peak and Effective Performance
    with Dr. Rae

    Information Products
    The Power of Your Intention
    with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

    Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
    by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
    to make decisions that work.

    Motivational News You Can Use eBook
    by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
    motivational tips that work for you.

    Weekly TeleClasses
    with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
    being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
    to release your stress reactions.

    Preview of Next Blog
    Lessons Learned

    Ask Us : ...for our Annual Service Plan to help you with
    "being organized" by pressing tell me more for your pre-
    Summer Discount.

    Learn More : Information Products

    Wednesday, June 13, 2007

    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Decisions and Decision Making Revisited
    Making a Difference in Your Life

    A well-spent day begins with your intentions, and the decisions
    you make.

    Did you know that ALL people make decisions based on their
    emotions and not their logic?

    Are you ready to make decisions with the available information
    you already have on your emotions?

    Are you ready to look at your emotions, your intentions and
    your life more closely?

    Do you have the energy and power for the most meaningful life
    you want by making decisions on what you want to change?

    Since your attitude influences the life you are leading now, by
    changing your attitude you change your life.

    Making a commitment to yourself, your family, your career,
    your community and your world requires that you are ready
    to meet, and exceed your expectations with your decisions
    and your decision making?

    Are you ready to make remarkable decisions?

    Are you ready to be remarkable?

    Decide what is important to you now.

    At the end of the day, your intentions and decisions makes
    your heart sing.

    Share your feelings and thoughts with others here because this
    is the week to work on your decisions and decision making.

    We encourage and support your decisions and decision making.

              [This information is intended for your knowledge
              only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
              specific condition and/or situation]

    Related Resources and Sponsors
    Concierge Services
    Decisions and Decision Making

    Deluxe Assistance
    Change the Way You Look at Things
    with Dr. Rae

    Information Products
    The Power of Your Intention
    with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

    Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
    by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
    to make decisions that work.

    Motivational News You Can Use eBook
    by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
    motivational tips that work for you.

    Weekly TeleClasses
    with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
    being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
    to release your stress reactions.

    Preview of Next Blog
    Why Being Organized is Important

    Ask Us : ...for our Annual Service Plan to help you with
    "your decisions and decision making" by pressing
    tell me more for your Spring

    Learn More : Information Products

    Wednesday, June 06, 2007

    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Procrastination Revisited
    Making a Difference in Your Life

    The key to your procrastination is learning how to manage and overcome
    rather than avoid it.

    Begin this day and any day, by asking yourself this question -- what if this
    is my last moment, what have I left unsaid and undone?

    By December 31 of any given year, your life is either better or worse -- and
    how you handle any day and any situation is your choice.

    At any time in your day, answer these questions to locate what is important
    to you now.

    What do I want to make important now?

    What have I neglected that I want to focus on now?

    What must I do to live my life now?

    What was important to me before, that I see as unimportant now?

    What was unimportant to me before, that I see as important now?

    What will be left unsaid and undone if I lost a loved one today?

    After answering the above questions, commit to motivating yourself
    and act according to the insights you gain from your answers because
    insights without action have no value.

    You can manage and overcome your procrastination by replacing your
    old behaviors with the new ones you decide on now.

    Decide what is important to you now.

    At the end of the day, managing and overcoming your procrastination
    makes your heart sing.

    Share your feelings and thoughts with others here because this is
    the week to work on managing and overcoming your procrastination.

    We encourage and support you managing and overcoming your

              [This information is intended for your knowledge
              only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
              specific condition and/or situation]

    Related Resources and Sponsors
    Concierge Services
    Managing Your Procrastination

    Deluxe Assistance
    Change the Way You Look at Things
    with Dr. Rae

    Information Products
    Overcoming Procrastination
    with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

    Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
    by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
    to make decisions that work.

    Motivational News You Can Use eBook
    by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
    motivational tips that work for you.

    Weekly TeleClasses
    with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
    being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
    to release your stress reactions.

    Preview of Next Blog
    Decisions and Decision Making Revisited

    Ask Us : ...for our Annual Service Plan to help you with
    "your procrastination" by pressing tell me more for your Spring

    Learn More : Information Products

    Wednesday, May 30, 2007

    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Your Values
    Making a Difference in Your Life

    Values are defined as principles, standards, or qualities
    which guide human actions. [Source :]

    Your values appear in every area of your life.

    Your values begin with you.

    Concentrate on what you do best -- projects in which
    you value your unique talents.

    Do you know your values and the values of your friends,

    Establishing and setting your priorities according to what
    you value most means knowing what you value, what you
    want and arranging them in the order of what matters to
    you most

    Focus your energy on what you value most and be prepared
    for change.  Your needs and desires invariably change, so
    reexamine your priorities at least every five weeks.

    Bottom line...

    Value yourself and others!

    Learn to live your values.  Get out of your comfort zone and focus
    on what really matters to you while asking yourself these questions...

    Do I really want what I value?

    What do I value?

    What do I want to value?

    What feelings do I have about myself that may influence my values?

    What thoughts do I have about myself and my ability to want what I

    At the end of the day, your values make your heart sing.

    Share your feelings and thoughts with others here because this is
    the week to continue working on your values.

    We encourage and support your values.

              [This information is intended for your knowledge
              only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
              specific condition and/or situation]

    Related Resources and Sponsors
    Concierge Services
    Your Values

    Deluxe Assistance
    Change the Way You Look at Things
    with Dr. Rae

    Information Products
    Plain Talk About Stress; Resistance and Being a Person
    with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

    Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
    by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
    to make decisions that work.

    Motivational News You Can Use eBook
    by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
    motivational tips that work for you.

    Weekly TeleClasses
    with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
    being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
    to release your stress reactions.

    Preview of Next Blog
    Procrastination Revisited

    Ask Us : ...for our Annual Service Plan to help you with
    "your values" by pressing tell me more for your Spring

    Learn More : Information Products

    Wednesday, May 16, 2007

    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Your Spirituality
    Making a Difference in Your Life

    Spirituality is defined as "the quality or state of being spiritual"
    and is being used in this One Minute Report as a "connection
    to something 'greater' than oneself." [Source :]

    Are you a spiritual being in physical form or are you a physical
    being searching for your spirituality?

    You are both spiritual and physical.

    Your aspirations are spiritual; your safety and comfort are physical.

    Your spiritual aspiration is to grow; and your physical aspiration is
    to keep things as they are.

    Knowing what you want to achieve plays a critical part in achieving
    either aspirations.

    Here are some ideas to consider...

    Your spirituality is an aesthetic concept, and not a religious one.

    Your spirituality is rooted in universal human awareness.

    Religion has rituals, spirituality does not

    Your spirituality comes to you in different ways at different times.

    According to Deepak Chopra, M.D., when you stay in the present
    moment without fear and judgment you let go of your self-image,
    and experience your spirituality, your higher self.

    You experience your higher self in situations when you feel a
    level of contentment and peace.

    You experience your higher self in all of your activities when
    you are aware of and know your perception, your belief system
    and your attitude.

    Bottom line...

    Get out of your comfort zone by focusing on what really matters
    to you while asking yourself these questions...

    What do I want to achieve and reach?

    What thoughts do I have about myself and my ability to achieve
    and reach what I want?

    What feelings do I have about myself that may influence my ability
    to achieve and reach what I want?

    Do I really want to achieve and reach what I want?

    At the end of the day, your spirituality makes your heart sing.

    Share your feelings and thoughts with others here because this
    is the week to continue working on your spirituality.

    We encourage and support your spirituality.

    In future editions more helpful hints, thoughts and workable
    strategies will be presented for you to look at for the improvements
    you want to make in your life.

    Ask for "a list of life's areas to review" by visiting
    Your Stress Matters.

              [This information is intended for your knowledge
              only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
              specific condition and/or situation]

    Related Resources and Sponsors
    Concierge Services
    Your Spirituality

    Deluxe Assistance
    Change the Way You Look at Things
    with Dr. Rae

    Information Products
    Quiet Your Mind and Calm Your Emotions
    with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

    Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
    by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
    to make decisions that work.

    Motivational News You Can Use eBook
    by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
    motivational tips that work for you.

    The Higher Self by Deepak Chopra, M.D.

    Weekly TeleClasses
    with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
    being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
    to release your stress reactions.

    Why We Believe What We Believe : Uncovering Our Biological
    Need for Meaning, Spirituality, and Truth
    by Andrew Newberg, M.D.
    and Mark Robert Waldman

    Preview of Next Blog
    May 30, 2007

    Your values

    Ask Us : ...for our Annual Service Plan to help you with
    "your spirituality" by pressing tell me more for your Spring

    Learn More : Information Products

    Wednesday, May 09, 2007

    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Your Skills
    Making a Difference in Your Life

    "A skill is an ability, usually learned and acquired
    through training, to perform actions which achieve
    a desired outcome." [Source :]

    Over the years you have learned and acquired skills
    for and from your life experiences.

    In one way or another you have learned and acquired
    workplace skills, personal skills, life skills, study skills;
    and the list goes on and on to include....

    Leadership and supervision skills; team building and
    cooperation skills; communication skills; credibility
    skills; conflict resolution skills; handling stress and
    pressure to prevent burnout skills.

    By being aware of your perception, your belief system
    and your attitude you have learned to deal with various

    Knowing the desired outcome you want to achieve plays
    a critical part in achieving any skill you desire.

    Be sure you focus on what really matters to you while
    asking yourself these questions...

    What is the desired outcome I want to achieve and reach?

    What thoughts do I have about myself and my ability to
    achieve and reach this desired outcome?

    What feelings do I have about myself that may influence
    my ability to achieve and reach this desired outcome?

    Do I really want to learn this skill to achieve and reach
    this particular outcome?

    At the end of the day, your skills are investments that
    make your heart sing.

    Share your feelings and thoughts with others here
    because this is the week for you to continue to work
    on the skills you need for the 21st century.

    We encourage and support you on the skills you
    have and want to learn and acquire.

    In future editions more helpful hints, thoughts and
    workable strategies will be presented for you to look
    at for the improvements you want to make in your life.

    Ask for "a list of life's areas to review" by visiting
    Your Stress Matters.

    [This information is intended for your knowledge
    only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
    specific condition and/or situation]

    Related Resources and Sponsors
    Concierge Services
    Your Skills

    Deluxe Assistance
    Change the Way You Look at Things
    with Dr. Rae

    Information Products
    New Skills for the 21st Century
    with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

    Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
    by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
    to make decisions that work.

    Motivational News You Can Use eBook
    by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
    motivational tips that work for you.

    Weekly TeleClasses
    with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
    being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
    to release your stress reactions.

    Preview of Next Blog
    Your spirituality

    Ask Us : ...for our Annual Service Plan to help you with
    "your skills" by pressing tell me more for your Spring

    Learn More : Information Products

    Wednesday, May 02, 2007

    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Making a Difference in Your Life

    Relationships must have commitment, honesty and trust
    at its core.

    Be sure you focus on what really matters to you while you
    ask yourself these questions.

    What do I feel when the person in my relationship acts in
    a certain way?

    What thoughts do I have when the person in my relationship
    acts this way?

    What deeper feelings do I have that may relate to these
    feelings and thoughts?

    Do I have these same feelings and thoughts in other

    At the end of the day, your relationships are investments
    for you to rely on each and every day.

    Be kind, be motivated, be sensitive and do everything from
    your heart to gain a new perspective of your role in your

    It is okay for you to grow and learn from your relationships
    by making sure that your élan connection, and your energy
    flows when you are at one in your relationship moment.

    Your behavior, your feelings and your thoughts change as
    you begin to explore and relish your relationships.

    Share your feelings and thoughts with others here because
    this is your week to continue working on your relationships.

    We encourage and support you on your relationship journey.

    In future editions more helpful hints, thoughts and workable
    strategies will be presented for you to look at for improvements
    you want to make in your life.

    Ask for "a list of life's areas to review" by visiting
    Your Stress Matters.

            [This information is intended for your knowledge
            only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
            specific condition and/or situation]

    Related Resources and Sponsors
    Concierge Services
    Your Relationship Issues are Your Life Issues

    Deluxe Assistance
    Change the Way You Look at Things
    with Dr. Rae

    Information Products
    Bioenergetic Analysis and Your Relationships
    with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

    Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
    by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
    to make decisions that work.

    Motivational News You Can Use eBook
    by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
    motivational tips that work for you.

    Take Your Stress Temperature

    Weekly TeleClasses
    with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
    being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
    to release your stress reactions.

    Preview of Next Blog
    Your skills

    Ask Us : ...for our Annual Service Plan to help you with
    "your relationships" by pressing tell me more for your
    Spring Discount.

    Learn More : Information Products

    Wednesday, April 25, 2007

    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Your Health
    Making a Difference in Your Life

    As we come to the end of Stress Awareness Month,
    here is a reminder for you to revisit your emotional,
    physical and spiritual health.

    When you ignore your stress reactions -- and we all
    have them -- they have an impact your health.

    Awareness, acknowledgment and acceptance of your
    stress and your stress reactions get you from where
    you are to where you want to be.

    You know that, don't you?

    Then what is stopping you from dealing with your
    stress and your stress reactions?

    Your stress and your stress reactions are your body
    signals that must be dealt with right away.

    Being mindful -- aware, acknowledge and accept --
    of your stress and your stress reactions, without
    blaming others, helps you...

    ...let go of your preconceived ideas of what it takes
    to be emotionally, physically and spiritually healthy. with and enjoy your emotional, physical and
    spiritual health.

    ...locate your stressors (causes) and stress indicators
    (body signals) to make alternate life choices.

    ...make your heart sing.

    At the end of the day, your health is an investment
    for you to bank on every day.

    Be motivated, and gain a new perspective of your
    role in your health.

    Your behavior and your thoughts change when
    you begin to explore and relish in your investment
    towards your health.

    Share with others what you do to stay healthy here
    because this is your week to continue working on
    your health.

    We encourage and support you on your journey
    toward your health.

    In future editions more helpful hints, thoughts
    and workable strategies will be presented for
    you to look at for the improvements you want
    to make in your life.

    Ask for "a list of life's areas to review" by visiting
    Your Stress Matters.

    [This information is intended for your knowledge
    only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
    specific condition and/or situation]

    Related Resources and Sponsors
    Concierge Services
    Your Health Issues are Your Life Issues

    Deluxe Assistance
    Change the Way You Look at Things
    with Dr. Rae

    Information Products
    Bioenergetic Analysis and Your Health
    with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

    Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
    by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
    to make decisions that work.

    Motivational News You Can Use eBook
    by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
    motivational tips that work for you.

    Take Your Stress Temperature

    Weekly TeleClasses
    with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
    being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
    to release your stress reactions.

    Preview of Next Blog

    Ask Us : ...for our Annual Service Plan to help you with
    "your health issues" by pressing tell me more for your
    Spring Discount.

    Learn More : Information Products