Wednesday, August 29, 2007

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Networking Changes Lives

"The hardest part of any undertaking is simply getting started!"
"Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you."
[Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology ~]

Some thoughts on what we found while researching Networking
Changes Lives
for you.

You + Us = Networking.

Networking means everything in business and in life.

Networking is all about...
...making connections.
...making a difference.
...friendship and communication.
...collaboration and building relationships.
...changing lives.

Networking changes lives when you...
...think outside the box.
...look at any situation from a new perspective.
...are the change.

Don Tapscott, a proponent of peering, sharing, and open-source
thinking, presents a clear and exciting preview of how peer innovation
changes everything.

According to Tapscott, networking is needed to succeed in an emerging
global economy.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Self-Direction and Your Élan Connection

"The hardest part of any undertaking is simply getting started!"
[Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology ~]

Self-direction and your élan connection are two primary concepts
presented over the 35 years we have been coaching and counseling.

Did you know that your self-direction and your élan connection come

...focusing on what matters to you and what you want?

...listening to the lessons life gives you?


...your expectations? (So keep your expectations high and positive.)'s purpose? (You do know what that is don't you?)

Self-direction and your élan connection drive you to keep up-to-date
with change -- as a lifelong learner.

Being aware of how you learn and how you teach others to learn brings
up these questions to shift you into action...

Are you a self-directed learner or do you wait for others to direct you?
Is your self-direction and your élan connection all you want them to be?
Is your self-direction and your élan connection your number one priority?

Your self-direction and your élan connection take time -- time to be aware,
listen, and learn to trust yourself.

Your self-direction and your élan connection change your life from ordinary
to extraordinary and remarkable.

This process may cause you some stress.

To take your self-direction and élan connection to the next level you must
choose to...

...get out of your comfort zone.
...invest in yourself.
...make a difference.
...take yourself seriously.
...use a proactive approach and stay in the moment.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Motivation News You Can Use

Do you motivate yourself?
Do you wait for others to motivate you?
Is what motivates you all that you want it to be?
Is your motivation your number one priority?
What motivates you?

Motivation takes time -- time to listen and learn to trust yourself.

By trusting yourself, you change your life from ordinary to one that
is extraordinary and remarkable.

This process may cause you some stress.

To take your motivation to the next level you must choose to...

...get out of your comfort zone.
...invest in yourself.
...make a difference.
...take yourself seriously.
...use a proactive approach and think solutions.

The secret to motivation is being bold and thinking big.

On Contests & Polls we found the following response results to this
question "what motivates you?"

Help Others -- 29%
Make Money -- 14%
Be Famous -- 11%
Be Loved -- 11%
Have a Meaningful Life -- 36%

Motivation comes from listening to the lessons life gives you.

Motivation comes from within

Motivation comes from your life's purpose.

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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Paying Attention to Your Intuition

Paying attention to your intuition is being revisited after receiving
several requests for this subject, and because it is a key chapter
in our upcoming book What Makes Your Heart Sing?

Do you trust yourself?

Is your life all that you want it to be?

Is your life your number one priority?

Paying attention to your intuition takes time -- time to listen
and learn to trust your intuition.

This process may cause you some stress.

To take paying attention to your intuition to the next level
you must choose to...

...get out of your comfort zone.
...invest in yourself.
...make a difference.
...take yourself seriously.
...use a proactive approach and ask "what is my purpose in life?"

By being open to and trusting your intuition, you change your life
into one that is extraordinary.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Self-Esteem and Believing in Yourself
Making a Difference in Your Life

Do you trust yourself?

Is your self-esteem and believing in yourself all that you want it to be?

Is your self-esteem and believing in yourself.your number one priority?

Your self-esteem and believing in yourself takes time; time to listen to
and learn from others and yourself.  This process may cause you some
stressful moments.

To take your self-esteem and believing in yourself to the next level
you must choose to...

...create a lasting impression.
...get out of your comfort zone.
...invest in yourself.
...make a difference.
...take your self seriously.
...use a proactive approach and ask "who is going to stop me?"

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