Wednesday, September 26, 2007

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
What Makes Your Heart Sing? - 2

"Brains are overrated, what is your heart saying?"
[Dr. Rae, Founder of Your Stress Matters]

Here are some more thoughts found while writing Dr. Rae's
upcoming book What Makes Your Heart Sing? for you.

See how many apply to you.

- Being surrounded by my family, friends
  and people who respect me...
- Having great memories...
- Listening to my heart...
- When I am happy....
- When I let my heart lead me...
- When I live in the moment...
- When I make memories...
- When I remember loving and being loved...

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
What Makes Your Heart Sing?

"Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today."
[Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology]

Some thoughts on what we found for you while writing our upcoming
book What Makes Your Heart Sing?

From Dr. Rae
*  Treat everybody as somebody.

From Tom Peters' Manifesto This I Believe! - Tom's 60 TIBs
*  Action trumps words.
*  Change takes as long as you think it takes.
*  Change is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
*  Excellence is a state of mind.
*  Have you begun The Story of You -- your First Annual Report?
*  Influencing others to make things happen is selling.
*  It's never too early or too late to have a big idea by dreaming big.
*  Possibilities is a state of mind.
*  Powerlessness is a state of mind.
*  What you choose not to do is as important as what you choose to do.

From Mahatma Ghandi
*  You must be the change you want to see in the world.

From Michael Masterson's Automatic Wealth : 6 Steps to Financial

*  Focus on making money.
*  Material wealth does matter.  It gives you the ability to help your friends,
provide for your family, pursue your interests, and be an inspirational role
model as a financial supporter of worthy causes.
*  To be financially independent is to be able to do what ever you want
without worrying about money.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
What a Difference a Day Makes

"Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great
was ever achieved."
[Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology]

Some thoughts on what we found while researching What a
Difference a Day Makes
for you.

Do you know that what you do every day means everything
in your business and in your personal life every day?

What a difference a day makes when you...

...are determined to reach your goal/s.
...are energized, enthused and feeling great.
...are grateful.
...are juggling multiple projects
...become motivated. for yourself and others.
...change your attitude and your thinking
...choose to change your life from what is
    to what you want your life to be.
...come out from hiding. what you love and do it well what you do. your heart.
...strive for excellence
...tell the truth.

At the end of the day... attract into your life what you want by what you choose
and are grateful for.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Excellence Requires Gratitude

"We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then, is not an act,
but a habit." - Aristotle
[Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology]

Some thoughts on what we found while researching Excellence
Requires Gratitude
for you.


...changes lives, is needed in an emerging global economy
and starts with you. a result, a choice, and now thanks to Mark Joyner [see
Aristotle's quote above] a habit. all about caring, gratitude and loving what you do.

...means everything to your business and your life.

Gratitude as a key requirement for business and personal excellence...

" the substance of a heart ready to show appreciation, or thankfulness;
it is...the combination of a state of being and an emotion; often accompanied
by a desire to thank them, or to reciprocate for a favour they have done for
you." (Source : Wikipedia)

To continue our research on gratitude we went to our colleague Kevin
and found this...

"Gratitude is an attitude.  Gratitude is a choice.  And gratitude is a habit.
When we consciously practice being grateful for the people, situations
and resources around us we begin to attract better relationships and results.
The habit will be strengthened as you make the choice each day."

Gratitude comes from a place of love.  By keeping your heart open to life
-- being grateful attracts gratitude into your life.

What this means is that you attract into your life what you think about
and you attract into your life what you are grateful for.

When you think about being grateful in having excellence in your life,
you attract excellence into your life.

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