Wednesday, November 28, 2007

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Getting Published

"Carpe Diem"
   [Michael Michalko]

"You are an expert."
   [The Baum Group]

Do you have a story?

Do you feel compelled to tell your story?

Are you ready to write a book that tells your story?

There is a growing fascination with being an expert, and one way
is to get published.

Getting published changes you and your world.

Here are a few publishing tips and advice from...

  •   Dan Brown "All readers (editors & agents included) love to learn
    as they read."

  •   Judith Kelman "Write what you know, but remember that you can
    become knowledgeable about most anything by interviewing experts
    and doing comprehensive research."

  •   Keri Smith "Really enjoy yourself and the process of creating,..."

    So what does all this have to do with you?

    Read More >>>>
  • Wednesday, November 21, 2007

    NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Generation Y

    “You may never know what result comes of your action, but if you
    do nothing there will be no result.”
    [Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology]

    Do you know and are you ready to reach the world's next generation?

    There is a growing fascination with Generation Y, the generation of
    individuals born in the 1980s and 1990s known as Gen Y.

    Gen Yers are changing our world, and by the year 2010, they are 70
    million strong in the workforce.

    According to Bea Fields et al, Gen Yers are the current and future
    leaders of companies and largest buying population by 2010.

    According to Bruce Tulgan & RainmakerThinking, Inc.®, Gen Yers
    are causing a generational shift in the workplace.

    So what does this have to do with you?

    Read More >>>>

    Wednesday, November 14, 2007

    NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Motivational News You Can Use
                   - Revisited 2 -

    "You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them."
    [Mark Joyner, Founder of simple•ology]

    On October 10, 2007, you received the first preview to today's
    Motivational News You Can Use

    Here is the second preview of the Motivational News You Can
    eBook Volume 2 now in progress...

    • Begin and end each day with confidence.

    • Face unexpected challenges to open new opportunities
    every day.

    • Find great mentors and get inspired from their life-changing

    • Live from the inside out to discover what gets you up in the
    morning; and what moves you through your day. .

    • Make a difference by helping others aim high.

    • Start with an idea that comes from your heart.

    • Use color to convey your intentions. Red shows leadership.
    Blue instills confidence. Green inspires wealth.

    • Your dream gives you the power to make your dream a reality.

    Read More >>>>

    Wednesday, November 07, 2007

    NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
    From The Baum Group Collection
    on eSolutions...
    Meet the Best - II

          "People tend to make things more complicated
           than they are.
    "  [Dr. Rae]

    What would your business, professional and personal life
    be like if you had a personal coach to guide you on a daily,
    weekly and monthly basis on information products of your

    Certainly your business, professional and personal life is
    worth investing in yourself.

    Here are two coaches who have touched our lives deeply
    in October and we are pleased to share them with you in
    this second entry of Meet the Best.

    Introducing this month's "meet the best"coaches...
    Dr. Rae
    Mark Joyner

    Dr. Rae has been sharing her work since 1972 and on-line
    since 1995.

    Here are a few thoughts from her upcoming book
    What Makes Your Heart Sing?

    • When you feel tense, focus on the moment and begin
    feeling the difference.

    • Being stress-free is not an option to living your life
    because you need stress to live and be creative in giving
    and receiving what you are here to give and receive.

    • Being authentic awakens your creativity and intuition.
    Know what you want and who you are.  Your level of
    stress is your choice.

    Mark Joyner came into our lives when we needed some
    guidance to take us to the next level in our business,
    professional and personal lives.

    • Mark's concept of "simpleology" has given us the
    momentum to act in simplified ways when our thoughts
    are at their highest, and to refine our actions as
    we proceed.

    • "You have to expect things of yourself before you
    can do them."  Read more about "simpleology" here.

    • Simpleology has brought sanity into our lives.

    Read More >>>>