Wednesday, July 29, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Back to Basics ~ 3

"Taking responsibility for your life means being able
to respond to every aspect of your life by handling
your obstacles and your opportunities.
Your Weekly StressTip

To know yourself and your purpose comes from opening
your energy blocks and releasing the feelings that are

Breath, movement and voice are elements of this process,
and are used to open your energy blocks.

Once your energy blocks are opened, and you decide to
let go, and surrender to life as you release the feelings
and perceptions that are found in your energy blocks,
your life becomes yours, and you begin to experience
feelings of well-being.

A return to basics begins and ends with you being in
your body.

The process is one of you getting in touch with, and staying
in touch with your body moment to moment without any
expectations or judgment.

One way to stay in the moment is to focus on your breath.

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Preview of Next Blog
Meet the Best ~ 21

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Taking Your Pulse is a new addition to eBusiness 2001-2009.

This is your opportunity to share your views.

Each week a "position statement" is going to be offered for your response.

Here is this week's "position statement" for your consideration and response...

"Step up and move your business/your career to greatness by
focusing on and realizing the true magnitude of your purpose."

- Dr. Rae

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Back to Basics ~ 2

"Asking questions gives you the opportunity to explore
options and offers you answers that inspire you to live
a purposeful life.
Your Weekly StressTip

As we all know, the mind and the body interact and influence
each other.  What you think and do affects how you feel, and
how you feel affects what you think and do.

This interaction though, is limited to the conscious aspect of
your life.  On a deeper level, on an unconscious level, both
your thinking and feeling are affected by energy factors in
your body.

Every unresolved issue produces stress, a body response,
and possibly tension.  Every tension is an energy block in
your body.  Every energy block is an unconscious attitude
that suppresses your sense of yourself.

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Preview of Next Blog
Back to Basics ~ 3

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Taking Your Pulse is a new addition to eBusiness 2001-2009.

This is your opportunity to share your views.

Each week a "position statement" is going to be offered for your response.

Here is this week's "position statement" for your consideration and response...

"In every area of your life the universal law of attraction
responds to your actions, your emotions and your thoughts.

You gain mastery in every area of your life when your actions,
your emotions and your thoughts are authentic and congruent;
and when you are mindful of the life you want with appreciation
and gratitude every moment of every day."


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Back to Basics

"Living your life on purpose requires you to know
your purpose.
" Your Weekly StressTip

Have you ever wondered what your life would be
like with a quiet mind and a calm body?  Recently,
attention has been given to an interest in getting
"back to basics."

Questions such as "who am I? and why am I here?"
are being asked, and heard in boardrooms.

These questions have been asked through out the
ages.  Getting back to basics is currently being
explored in every aspect of life.

The search for purpose and for self is as paramount
to stress management, effective living and learning
as is the integration of the mind and the body.

How often have you being faced with making a
decision and your mind sends you one message,
and your body sends you another?

A lack of mind-body integration may be a cause
of this often encountered experience.

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Preview of Next Blog
Back to Basics ~ 2

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Taking Your Pulse is a new addition to eBusiness 2001-2009.

This is your opportunity to share your views.

Each week a "position statement" is going to be offered for your response.

Here is this week's "position statement" for your consideration and response...

"Social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and Twitter are
about accountability and support to achieve desired consequences."

(Source: The 12 Factors of Business Success)

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Motivational News You Can Use ~ XX

"Tell someone what it's like being you because who you are
is interesting and unique.
" Your Weekly StressTip

Here is another preview of the Motivational News You Can Use
eBook Volume Two (ask for your pre-order price discount.)

*  Find your center.

*  For many workers, fear of layoff is big motivator

*  When you stand for something you won't fall for anything.

*  You are responsible for your results.

*  You have the power to control your destiny.

*  You must create and find your own opportunities.

Press this link to get motivated

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Preview of Next Blog
Back to Basics

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Meet the Best ~ 20

"Enjoy being and reaching for opportunities."
Your Weekly StressTip

What would your life be like if you had a personal mentor to guide you
on a daily, weekly and monthly basis -- on information products of your

Certainly your life is worth investing in yourself.

Here is a mentor who has recently touched our lives and we are pleased
to share him with you in this entry of Meet the Best.

Introducing with appreciation and gratitude this month's "meet the best"
mentor Jonah Lehrer.

Jonah Lehrer came into our lives when we wanted to learn more about
decision-making with less distress.

How We Decide, is a "how-to" guide for better understanding of yourself
and your decision-making in today's world.

Here are few excerpts for your consideration...

"...The goal of this book is to answer two question...  How does the human
mind make decisions?  And how can we make those decision better."
[p. xvii]

"The mystery of how we make one of the oldest mysteries
of the mind.  Even though we are defined by our decisions, we are often
completely unaware of what's happening inside our heads during the
decision-making process." [p. 9]

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Preview of Next Blog
Motivational News You Can Use ~ XX