Sunday, August 30, 2009

Taking Your Pulse is a new addition to eBusiness 2001-2009.

This is your opportunity to share your views.

Each week a "position statement" is going to be offered for your response.

Here is this week's "position statement" for your consideration and response...

"Life situations are where we learn who we are and what we want
to contribute to others.
- Dr. Rae

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...

"Living the life you want requires that you live your life
on purpose.
"  Your Weekly StressTip

Have you ever wondered what courage is and where courage
comes from?

Here is the definition of courage from the Merriam-Webster
Online Dictionary...

...mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand
danger, fear, or difficulty.

Remember the captain of the plane that went down and floated
on the Hudson River while people waited to be rescued in the
cold waters on the wing of the floating plane?

Remember the last time you took charge of a situation you had
no idea how to handle?

Remember when you supported a position you were passionate

Courage comes from within and is available to everyone when
needed in required situations.

Press this link to learn to be a purposeful leader >>>

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Preview of Next Blog
Meet the Best ~ 22

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Taking Your Pulse is a new addition to eBusiness 2001-2009.

This is your opportunity to share your views.

Each week a "position statement" is going to be offered for your response.

Here is this week's "position statement" for your consideration and response...

"Since judging is part of being human, we must learn how-to accept
being judged.
- Dr. Rae

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Purposeful Leadership ~ 2

"Make sure you walk the talk."
Your Weekly StressTip

Motivation to learn how-to be a purposeful leader comes
from within -- from your goals, your dreams, and your love.

Purposeful leadership as a learned skill comes when (in no
particular order of importance)... begin to maximize the potential of any situation
    by staying in the moment and on your life's purpose. do not walk away when there are difficulties. face difficult conversation and situations. know your purpose in life. speak from your heart. talk through your frustrations assertively and purposefully. turn mediocrity into greatness.

Purposeful leadership is a skill you are is able to learn when
you are willing to focus on the goodness, happiness, and well-
being of others and yourself.

Press this link to learn to be a purposeful leader >>>

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Preview of Next Blog

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Taking Your Pulse is a new addition to eBusiness 2001-2009.

This is your opportunity to share your views.

Each week a "position statement" is going to be offered for your response.

Here is this week's "position statement" for your consideration and response...

"Choose to make your dreams and goals a reality by taking action
today is worth your energy and your time.
- Dr. Rae

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Motivational News You Can Use ~ XXI

"Engaging and sharing is inspirational,motivational and powerful."
Your Weekly StressTip

Here is another preview of the Motivational News You Can Use
eBook Volume Two (ask for your pre-order price discount.)

*  Become a player in your life by stepping away from the sidelines.

*  Change is go first.

*  How are you spending your dash?

*  Stop procrastinating, spinning your wheels and wasting your time.

*  What makes your heart sing?

*  Your time is valuable.

Press this link to get motivated

Read More >>>

Preview of Next Blog
Purposeful Leadership ~ 2

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Taking Your Pulse is a new addition to eBusiness 2001-2009.

This is your opportunity to share your views.

Each week a "position statement" is going to be offered for your response.

Here is this week's "position statement" for your consideration and response...

It takes great courage and inner strength to change from what is
known and comfortable to something which is new and fresh.  That
which is unknown often contains your greatest potential.  To seek
your potential by visiting change is the path of greatness."

- Unknown Source

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Meet the Best ~ 21

"Be remarkable by focusing on the good in your life with appreciation,
gratitude, joy and love."
Your Weekly StressTip

What would your life be like if you had a personal mentor to guide
you on a daily, weekly and monthly basis -- on information products
of your choosing?

Certainly your life is worth investing in yourself.

Here is a mentor who has recently touched our lives and we are pleased
to share him with you in this entry of Meet the Best.

Introducing with appreciation and gratitude this month's "meet the best"
mentor W. Bradford Swift.

W. Bradford Swift came into our lives when we wanted to learn more
about living on purpose in every aspect of our life.

Life on Purpose, is a "how-to" guide to living your life on purpose in
today's world.

Here are few excerpts for your consideration...

"What is a life purpose?  At first glance it may seem like the answer...
is so obvious that it's pointless to...discuss it.  But I have found there
is often a wealth of wisdom in questions we assume we already know
how to answer.
"  [p. 21]

"The Six Passages of the Purposeful Path [are] 1.  Preparing for the
Journey...  2.  Starting on the Purposeful Path...  3.  Uncovering What
Has Been Shaping Your Life...  4.  Clarifying...Your True,...Purpose...  
5.  Learning the Tools...  6.  Mastering the Tools...
"  [pp. 24-25]

"The Top Ten Benefits to Knowing and Living Your Purpose"  
[pp. 62-67]

Read more >>>

Preview of Next Blog
Motivational News You Can Use ~ XXI

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Taking Your Pulse is a new addition to eBusiness 2001-2009.

This is your opportunity to share your views.

Each week a "position statement" is going to be offered for your response.

Here is this week's "position statement" for your consideration and response...

"Marketers are learning that interactive marketing is more effective
than advertising per dollar spent."

- Dr. Rae