Wednesday, September 30, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Dream Big, and Invest in Yourself

"Live each day with authenticity, courage, empathy, and patience."
Your Weekly StressTip

Are you up for the challenge to dream big and invest in yourself?

Dreaming big and investing in yourself...

...requires a burning desire and an "I can" attitude.

...requires accepting 100% responsibility for achieving
    what you set for yourself.

...requires becoming and being an expert by knowing
    more than everyone else in your field.

...requires breaking away from your safety-zone.

...requires creating a game plan with a specific yet
    flexible action plan.

...requires knowing your motivation, your purpose
    and the reasons you must achieve your goals.

Bottom line...

...blaming others holds you back from dreaming big
    and investing in yourself.

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Preview of Next Blog
Meet the Best ~ 23

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice

"Be confident and generous by living your life knowing
  what really matters to you.
"  Your Weekly StressTip

Who Am I? and What Do I Want? are questions that have been asked
through the ages.  Looking for, listening to and heeding the inner voice
is currently being explored in every aspect of life.

The search for self and purpose is as paramount to stress management,
effective living and learning as is the integration of the mind and the body.

How often have you being faced with making a decision and your mind
sent you one message, and your body sent you another?  A lack of mind-
body integration may be a cause of this often encountered phenomena.

As we all know, the mind and the body interact and influence each other.
What you think and do affects how you feel, and how you feel affects
what you think and do.

This interaction though, is limited to the conscious aspect of your life.

On a deeper level, on the unconscious level, both your thinking and feeling
are affected by energy factors in your body.  Every unresolved issue produces
stress, a body response, and possibly tension.  Every tension is an energy
block in your body.  Every energy block is an unconscious attitude that
suppresses your sense of yourself.

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Dream Big, Invest in Yourself

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Creating the Life You Want

"Letting go is to fear less and love more."
Your Weekly StressTip

Are you living the life you want?

Is fear and self-doubt getting in your way?

Just about everyone has the potential to create the life they want.

Creating the life you want requires you to have clear intentions.

Creating the life you want requires that you choose and trust
your intentions.

To a great extent the difficulty lies within each one of us -- either
we’re not sure what to do, or we choose not create the life we
know we want.

Choice, intentions, and trust requires attitudinal and behavioral

The first step is to know, really know what kind of life you want.

When your actions, your emotions and your thoughts are authentic
and congruent; and when you are mindful of the life you want with
appreciation and gratitude every moment of every day, the choice
is yours.

Choose wisely.

Press this link to create the life you want >>>

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Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Taking Your Pulse is a new addition to eBusiness 2001-2009.

This is your opportunity to share your views.

Each week a "position statement" is going to be offered for your response.

Here is this week's "position statement" for your consideration and response...

"Since all emotions are irrational it's best to share them rather than
act on them.
- Dr. Rae

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Motivational News You Can Use ~ XXII

"Letting go of your concerns requires you to focus
on the moment and what is in your control.
Your Weekly StressTip

Here is another preview of the Motivational News You Can Use
eBook Volume Two (ask for your pre-order price discount.)

*  Begin your day with what matters to you.

*  Believe in yourself.

*  Life is full of opportunities.

*  Make today a good day for a better tomorrow.

*  Think big.

*  Today is a good day to embrace life-long learning.

Press this link to get motivated

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Creating the Life You Want

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Meet the Best ~ 22

"Less distress comes when you live your purpose.  Your purpose
is learning and living the life that you are meant to live with joy
and love."
Your Weekly StressTip

What would your life be like if you had a personal mentor to guide
you on a daily, weekly and monthly basis -- on information products
of your choosing?

Certainly your life is worth investing in yourself.

Here is a mentor who has recently touched our lives and we are pleased
to share her with you in this entry of Meet the Best.

Introducing with appreciation and gratitude this month's "meet the best"
mentor Suzy Welch.

Suzy Welch came into our lives when we wanted to learn more about
living on purpose in every aspect of our life.

10-10-10: A Life-Transforming Idea, is a "how-to" guide to reclaim
and transform your life in today's world using these questions when
faced with a dilemma.  "What will the consequences of my options
be in 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years?"

Here are few excerpts for your consideration...

" approach to dilemmas that empowered people to create
more deliberate, centered and authentic lives.  ...It required
emotional work; it took commitment and candor.
"  [p. 221]

"...once 10-10-10 is in your life, it's your companion as long
as you allow it to work within you and for you.
"  [p. 221]

"...meant for everyone seeking a way out and path forward."
[p. 222]

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Motivational News You Can Use ~ XXII