Wednesday, March 30, 2011

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Lessons learned
"In the present moment, with natural breathing, look within
to find your answers, your confidence and your strength!
"  Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment

Did you know that every moment of every day offers you "lessons
learned" that are needed for your health and your well-being?

Here a few "lessons learned" that may help you...

Energy blocks in your body are unconscious attitudes
that suppress your sense of your self.

Tension is an energy block in your body.

Unresolved issues create distress that as a body response
produces tension in your body.

On a deeper level, on the unconscious level both your thinking
and your feeling are affected by energy factors in your body.

Committing your self and your time to "lessons learned" like
any powerful idea empowers every one, including you.

Press this link to share the lessons you've learned>>>

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Preview of Next Blog
Meet the Best ~ 40: Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Being aggressive vs being assertive ~ 2

"Embrace and experience the present moment.  In the present moment
there is empowering awareness rather than self-imposed fear!  Comments
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment

An aggressive person needs to be in control while an assertive person
is willing to share control in making decisions.

Have you ever wondered whether you are an aggressive person or an
assertive person?

More often than not an aggressive person tends to be a judgmental
person and an assertive person tends to ask lots of questions prior
to making any decisions as to whether or not entering into any
type of relationship with you.

The difference between being aggressive vs being assertive is in
acknowledging that all decisions, ideas and opinions are important
and that others' decision, ideas and opinions are as important as
your own.

The choice is yours as to how you are going to create meaningful
results for your personal and your professional life.

Press this link to create meaningful results in your life

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Lessons learned

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Being aggressive vs being assertive

"Awareness and prevention are found in the present moment
where there is less fear and more love!  Comments
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment

How are you being invaluable and remarkable to decision makers?
Are you being aggressive or are you being assertive?

The difference between being aggressive and being assertive in
sharing what matters to you...

...comes down to the energy you have available at each moment
of each day! about the type of engagement that's been developing between
you and the decision maker!

...may cause stress reactions for the decision maker and for you!

Being aggressive vs being assertive may exist in your business,
in your personal life and in your professional life today!

Being aggressive comes from anger and frustration; being assertive
comes from esteem and respect for others and for your self.

The choice is yours as to how you are going to create meaningful
results for your personal and your professional life.

Press this link to create meaningful results in your life

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Preview of Next Blog
Being aggressive vs being assertive ~ 2

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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Inspirational and Motivational News You Can Use ~ XXXIX

"In the present moment you have the power to be more decisive!
"  Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment

{Image: courtesy of PowerPoint Clip Art}

Here is another preview of the Inspirational and Motivational
News You Can Use
eBook Volume Two.  Ask for your pre-order
price discount

*  Always ask questions to engage others in your growth!

*  When you accept and trust yourself -- you accept and trust

*  You are the only one who really knows you!

Press this link to get inspired and motivated

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Being aggressive vs being assertive

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Wednesday, March 02, 2011

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Meet the Best ~ 39: Jay Baer and Amber Naslund

"In the present moment you have choices and the power to stay
focused without being distracted!  Comments/Questions"

               Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment

                Photo courtesy of Flickr user James Cridland

What would your life be like if you had a personal mentor to guide
you on a daily, weekly and monthly basis -- on information products
of your choosing?

Certainly your life is worth investing in yourself.

Here are two mentors who have touched our lives and we are pleased
to share them with you in this entry of Meet the Best.

Introducing with appreciation and gratitude this month's "meet the
best" mentors Jay Baer and Amber Naslund .

Jay Baer and Amber Naslund came into our lives when we wanted
to learn more about the "power of the social web" and "the new era
of instantaneous business."

The NOW Revolution: 7 Shifts to Make Your Business Faster, Smarter
and More Social
is about change and harnessing "the power of now."

Here are a few excerpts from their book for your consideration...

"For today's businessperson, possessing the time and information
required to make sound product, pricing, operations, and customer
service decisions is a luxury---that's facing extinction.  The future
of business is...about near-instantaneous response; about making
the best decisions...with...extremely limited information...;  about
every customer being a reporter, and every reporter...a customer;
about winning and losing customers in real time, every second of
every day; and about a monumental increase in the availability of
commentary about...companies." [p. ix]

"Your customers, prospects, and the people looking for you online
don't care about your company structure.  If they find you on
Twitter, or leave a comment on your blog, they're looking for a
response from anyone who can help, regardless of what department
that person represents or what someone's official job title is."
[p. 26]

"There are not only new roles emerging but also new expectations
and functions for the people already on your team.  You may or
may not need brand new social media jobs in your organization,
but...speed and social media will touch the job of everyone you've
already got...  The time is now to look at the way you're put together
and how you empower the human engine of your organization."
[p. 49]

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Preview of Next Blog
Inspirational and Motivational News You Can Use ~ XXXIX

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