From The Baum Group Collection
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Being present in the moment ~ 3
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment "Being present in the moment
helps you make your best decisions! Comments/Questions"
~ Lithograph by Dr. Rae ~
By now you must know that the present moment is a valuable tool, and all there is
for you to make the choices, and decisions that give you the emotional, and physical
health, and well being you want!
Here are a few more thoughts on what being present in the moment does for you.
> Breathing becomes more natural and normal!
> Calms you to accept, and acknowledge what you experience!
> Opens you to the presence of inspirational people in your life!
So what matters to you, and are you ready to experience being present in
this moment to make a difference in your life?
Press this link to explore being present in this moment
Want more?
At the end of each day, how is being present in the moment reflected in
your business, personal and professional life?
Are any of your being present in the moment ideas missing from this list?
We'd love to hear your ideas in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below.
Also, let us know how being present in the moment helps you get more
done with less distress.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You must seek
prompt attention for any specific condition and/or situation.]
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