[NOW on Your Wireless Media Device] This Blog ~ eBusiness 2001-2014 detailing The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates' activities and projects is available for you to use for your on-line and your off-line business.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Lessons learned on inspiration
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment is your key to
abundance, attention, and authenticity!"
"The Quest" original lithograph by Dr. Rae
Did you know that how you feel about inspiration is related
to how you feel about your lessons learned on inspiration?
Here are some ideas on inspiration for your consideration...
...inspiration is a gift!
...inspiration is believing, and trusting your self!.
...inspiration is paying attention to your intuition!
...inspiration is self-generating!
...inspiration comes from within!
...inspiration comes from your attitudes, and the decisions
you make!
Conclusions, and takeaways
Accepting, and appreciating your feelings of inspiration takes
you further in your life.
Take your lessons learned on inspiration to the next level by...
Living with appreciation, and gratitude.
Recognizing your goals are self-generated.
Using your life's purpose to realize your goals.
The choice is yours!
Do you want to know more about how you feel about your
lessons learned on inspiration?
Press this link >>>
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At the end of the day what are your feelings about your lessons
learned on inspiration?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how you feel
your lessons learned on inspiration helps you get more done
with less distress, and eustress.
We encourage you; and we support you, and your lessons learned
on inspiration!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition, and situation.]
Next Edition ~ January 2, 1213
Joyous Holidays, and New Year to you
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Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Lessons learned on happiness
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being well, wise, and wonderful!"
~ image source credit ~
Did you know that how you feel about happiness is related
to how you feel about your lessons learned on happiness?
Here are some ideas on happiness for your consideration...
...happiness as a feeling comes from within!
...happiness is a choice!
...happiness is a pleasurable, and satisfying experience!
...happiness is being, knowing, and living who you are!
...happiness is the art of being happy with your self!
...happiness puts a smile on your face!
Conclusions, and takeaways
Accepting, and appreciating your feelings of happiness takes
you further in your life.
Take your lessons learned on happiness to the next level by...
Living your purpose with compassion, and passion.
Using your skills to achieve your most heart-felt goals.
Recognizing your talents, and turn your talents into skills.
To get there sooner than later the choice is yours!
Do you want to know more about how you feel about your
lessons learned on happiness?
Press this link >>>
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At the end of the day what are your feelings about your lessons
learned on happiness?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how you feel
your lessons learned on happiness helps you get more done
with less distress, and eustress.
We encourage you; and we support you, and your lessons learned
on happiness!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition, and situation.]
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Lessons learned on inspiration
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Lessons learned on gratitude
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being valued, vibrant, and victorious!"
~ image source credit ~
June 24, 2012 and June 3, 2012
Did you know that how you feel about gratitude is related
to how you feel about your lessons learned on gratitude?
Here are some ideas on gratitude for your consideration...
...gratitude is an attitude, and a choice!
...gratitude is a readiness to show appreciation!
...gratitude is a way to return kindness!
...gratitude is being thankful!
...gratitude makes others, and you feel good!
...gratitude says thank you!
Conclusions, and takeaways
Accepting, and appreciating gratitude takes you further in
your life!
Take your lessons learned on gratitude to the next level
...investing in others.
...investing in your self.
...staying in the moment.
The choice is yours!
Do you want to know more about how you feel about your
lessons learned on gratitude?
Press this link >>>
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At the end of the day what are your feelings about your lessons
learned on gratitude?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how you feel
your lessons learned on gratitude helps you get more done
with less distress, and eustress.
We encourage you; and we support you, and your lessons learned
on gratitude!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition, and situation.]
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Lessons learned on happiness
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Lessons learned on freedom
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being unique, upfront, and useful!"
~ image source credit ~
Did you know that how you feel about your freedom is related
to how you feel about your lessons learned on freedom?
Here are some ideas on freedom for your consideration...
...freedom as a choice is contagious, and works
...freedom awakens your choices to get inspired!
...freedom helps you creatively manage, and set
personal boundaries!
...freedom is not license!
...freedom is your inalienable right!
...freedom makes a difference in every one's life!
Conclusions, and takeaways
An acceptance, and appreciation of freedom (not license) helps
make actions more diversified, and takes you further in your
Take your lessons learned on freedom to the next level by...
...investing in your self.
...keeping good growing
...staying in the moment.
The choice is yours!
Do you want to know more about how you feel about your lessons
learned on freedom?
Press this link >>>
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At the end of the day what are your feelings about your lessons
learned on freedom?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how you feel
about your lessons learned on freedom helps you get more done
with less distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support your lessons learned on freedom!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition, and situation.]
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Lessons learned on gratitude
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Lessons learned on enthusiasm
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being thankful, truthful, and trusting!"
~ image source credit ~
Did you know that how you feel about your life's energy is related
to how you feel about your lessons learned on enthusiasm?
Making contact with your life's energy generates enthusiasm.
Here are some ideas for your consideration...
...enthusiasm comes from within!
...enthusiasm helps you focus on your well-being!
...enthusiasm is contagious!
...enthusiasm keeps your expectations high, and positive!
...enthusiasm makes a difference in your life!
...enthusiasm supports, and inspires you to invest in your
Conclusions, and takeaways
An acceptance, and appreciation of your life goals helps you make
your actions more diversified, and takes you further to your goals.
Take your lessons learned on enthusiasm to the next level by...
...investing in your self.
...staying in the moment.
...taking your self seriously.
The choice is yours!
Do you want to know more about how you feel about your lessons
learned on enthusiasm?
Press this link >>>
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At the end of the day what are your feelings about your lessons
learned on enthusiasm?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how you feel
about your lessons learned on enthusiasm helps you get more
done with less distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support your lessons learned on enthusiasm!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition, and situation.]
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Lessons learned on freedom
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Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Lessons learned on direction
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being safe, sane, and strong!"
~ image and source credit ~
[slide 2]
Did you know how you feel about lessons learned on direction
is related to how you feel about you, your life's purpose, and
your direction?.
Here are some ideas for your consideration ...
...ask questions designed to shift you into action!
...focus on what matters to you, and what you want!
...keep up-to-date with change by knowing how others,
and how you learn!
...keep your expectations high, and positive by knowing
your life's purpose!
...listen to the lessons living your life presents!
...take time to be aware, and to trust!
When you take your lessons learned on direction to the next
level you must choose to...
...get out of your comfort zone.
...invest in yourself.
...make a difference.
...stay in the moment.
...take yourself seriously.
...use a proactive approach.
Conclusions, and takeaways
The following qurstions may cause you some angst.
Are you all you want to be?
Do you want others to direct you?
What are you waiting for?
What is your number one priority?
Changing the direction of your life from ordinary to extraordinary
and remarkable comes from within.
The choice is yours!
Do you want to know more about how you feel about your lessons
learned on direction?
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At the end of the day what are your feelings about your lessons
learned on direction?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how you feel about
your lessons learned on direction helps you get more done with
less distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support your lessons learned on direction!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You must seek
prompt attention for any specific condition, and situation.]
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Lessons learned on enthusiasm
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Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Lessons learned on collaboration
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being reliable, remarkable, and responsible!"
~ image and source credit ~
Did you know that how you feel about lessons learned on
collaboration is related to every one in your business,
and in your life?
Here are a few ideas for your consideration...
Lessons learned on collaboration is all about...
...building relationships, and networking.
...changing lives, friendships, and levels of courage.
...looking at situations from a new perspective.
...making a difference in connecting, and engaging.
...thinking outside the box.
...trust, and willingness to communicate authentically,
openly, and transparently.
Conclusions, and takeaways
Every one as a potential change agent in this emerging
global economy never forgets how you make them feel.
Therefore, knowing how you feel about lessons learned
on collaboration is essential, necessary, and required..
The choice is yours!
Do you want to know more about how you feel about
your lessons learned on collaboration?
Press this link >>>
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At the end of the day what are your feelings about your
lessons learned on collaboration?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how
you feel about your lessons learned on collaboration
helps you get more done with less distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support you on how you feel about your
lessons learned on collaboration!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition,
and situation.]
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Lessons learned on direction
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Lessons learned on breathing
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being qualified, quick, and quintessential!"
~ image source ~
Did you know lessons learned on breathing are related to
your unique bioenergetic character structure (paragraph 9)?
Your life is filled with lessons learned on breathing.
Here are a few ideas for your consideration...
...check your breathing to see when your breath is jammed,
natural, reversed or shallow!
...follow your breath as your breath moves through your body!
...for natural normal breathing, your chest, and belly expands
when you breathe in, and deflates when you breathe out!
...holding your breath until after you have completed an activity
-- talking, walking, etc. -- creates a physical response, a stress
Conclusions, and takeaways
[Caution: Go slow. Attempting to fix your breathing style by taking
in more oxygen than your body knows may cause hyperventilation.
If this occurs, cup your hands lightly over your mouth -- rather than
look for a paper bag -- and breathe in, and out slowly. You can do
this while sitting or standing, preferably sitting.]
Every activity must be structured around the breath!
Natural, and normal breathing is a valuable tool to emotional,
and physical health, and well being!
Nothing is more important than unstressed, unforced, natural
Go ahead, and look for your lessons learned on breathing...
The choice is yours!
Do you want to know more about your lessons learned on breathing
for your business, your personal, and your professional life?
Press this link >>>
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At the end of each day, what are your lessons learned on breathing
in your business, your personal, and your professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how your lessons
learned on breathing helps you get more done with less distress,
and eustress.
We encourage, and support your lessons learned on breathing!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition, and situation.]
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Lessons learned on collaboration
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Lessons learned on authenticity
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being passionate, powerful, and prosperous!"
Did you know our lessons learned on authenticity are unique?
From Wikipedia: "Authenticity refers to the truthfulness of origins,
attributions, commitments, sincerity, devotion, and intentions."
Our live's are filled with lessons learned on authenticity.
Here are a few ideas for your consideration...
...authenticity is the best social media strategy!
...being in the moment with awareness is the
key to authenticity!
...body language communicates authenticity!
...caring for self, and others is a declaration
of authenticity!
...eye contact proclaims authenticity!
...transparency reveals authenticity!
Conclusions, and takeaways
Go ahead -- look for your lessons learned on authenticity -- the choice
is yours!
Do you want to know more about the lessons learned on authenticity
for your business, your personal, and your professional life?
Press this link >>>
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At the end of each day, what are your lessons learned on authenticity
in your business, your personal, and your professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how your lessons
learned on authenticity helps you get more done with less distress,
and eustress.
We encourage, and support your your lessons learned on authenticity!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You must seek
prompt attention for any specific condition or situation.]
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Lessons learned on breathing
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Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Exploring your life's purpose
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being observant, one's self, and open!!"
~ image and source credit ~
Did you know that since your life's purpose is unique from any one
else’s, exploring your life's purpose gives you the advantage of
knowing what your life is all about, meant to be, and who you are?
Life is filled with moments of tests that exploring your life's purpose
helps you get through them.
Since your life is what you make of your life here are a few ideas for
your consideration on what exploring your life's purpose has in store
for you in your business, personal, and professional life...
...discover the life you were born to live!
...discover what is really important in your life!
...discover what you enjoy, and give you pleasure!
...discover your awesomeness!
...discover your beliefs, and your values!
...discover your interests!
...discover your life's balance!
...discover your reason for being alive!
Conclusions, and takeaways
Go ahead -- start your adventure exploring your life's purpose to
live up to your own expectations -- the choice is yours!
Do you want to know more about exploring your life's purpose in
your business, your personal, and your professional life?
Press this link >>>
Read More >>>
At the end of each day, are you exploring your life's purpose in
your business, your personal, and your professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how exploring
your life's purpose helps you get more done with less distress,
and eustress.
We encourage, and support you exploring your life's purpose!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition or situation.]
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Lessons learned on authenticuty
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Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Being in the moment
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being nonaddictive, notable, and noteworthy!"
Did you know that being in the moment gives you the leverage
you need to live your life with creativity, enthusiasm, inspiration,
and less distress?
To live being in the moment adds a dimension of quality, and
well-being to your life.
Here are a few ideas on being in the moment in your business,
personal, and professional life for your consideration...
...accept what you are experiencing without judgment!
...accept what you have, and who you are!
...accept your inner voice, your intuition!
...accept your stress reactions!
...give thanks, and make friends with your life!
...let go of the anger, chaos, confusion, and drama
in your life!
...make your best decisions!
...open up to the presence of inspirational people
in your life!
Conclusions, and takeaways
Go ahead -- start your adventure in being in the moment -- the
choice is yours!
Do you want to know more about being in the moment in your
business, your personal, and your professional life?
Press this link >>>
Read More >>>
At the end of each day, are you being in the moment in your
business, your personal, and your professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how you
being in the moment helps you get more done with less distress,
and eustress.
We encourage, and support you being in the moment!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
or situation.]
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Exploring your life's purpose
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Thursday, September 27, 2012
Know your self
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being magnificent, memorable, and moral!"
What if you do not know your self?
To know your self has many levels when you begin to answer
the question "who am I?"
Much like what was presented last week on taking risks, and
the week before on making a difference requires you to take
time for what is important; and what matters to others, and
to you.
Here are a few "who am I" questions in you business, personal,
and professional life for you to consider...
What are my commitments?
What do I value?
What do I want?
What is important in my life?
What matters to me?
What makes me afraid?
What makes me courageous?
What makes me happy?
Conclusions, and takeaways
Go ahead -- start your adventure to know your self -- the choice
is yours!
Do you want to know more about how you know your self in
your business, your personal, and your professional life?
Press this link>>>
Read More >>>
At the end of each day, do you know your self in your business,
your personal, and your professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how you
know your self helps you get more done with less distress,
and eustress.
We encourage, and support you to know your self!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
or situation.]
Preview of Next Edition
Being in the moment
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Taking risks
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being liberated, loved, and loyal!"
~ image and source credit ~
Have you ever wondered if 'this all there is' in the lives of others,
and in your life?
Taking risks may give you the answers you are looking for.
Much like what we presented last week on making a difference,
taking risks requires you to make time for what is important;
and what matters to others, and to you.
Here are a few "what if questions" on taking risks for you to
What if you explore your life's moments?
What if you challenge your self every day?
What if you create opportunities for others,
and for your self?
What if you focus on your commitments?
What if you focus on your courage rather
than your fear?
What if you let go of the child in your heart?
What if you make someone happy every day?
What if you see people as they are rather than
who you want them to be?
Conclusions, and takeaways
Go ahead -- start your adventure in taking risks -- the choice
is yours!
Do you want to know more about taking risks in your business,
your personal, and your professional life? Press this link>>>
Read More >>>
At the end of each day, are you taking risks in your business,
your personal, and your professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how
taking risks helps you get more done with less distress,
and eustress.
We encourage, and support you in taking risks!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
or situation.]
Preview of Next Edition ~ September 27, 2012
Know your self
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Making a difference
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being kind, knowledgeable, and known!"
~ image and source credit ~
Are you making a difference in lives of others, and in your life?
Making a difference requires that you make time for what is
important; and what matters to others, and to you.
This is a rewarding endeavor, not easy nor simple!
So how exactly is this done? Here are a few ideas for you to
...decide exactly where you want to make a difference
in the lives of others, and in your life e.g. education,
family, health, wealth, work, social life, spiritual life
...make a daily commitment to keep on track with
intention, and purpose since you constantly com-
municate your intention, your purpose, and what
really matters when you do what you do, and when
you say what you say
...make a list of what is important, and matters to
others, and to you.
Conclusions, and takeaways
Go ahead, start your adventure in making a difference!
Do you want to know more about making a difference in
your business, your personal, and your professional life?
Press this link>>>
Read More >>>
At the end of each day, are you making a difference in
your business, your personal, and your professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how
making a difference helps you get more done with less
distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support you in making a difference!
Thank you for your participation, and your readership.
[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
or situation.]
Preview of Next Edition
Taking risks
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Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Awareness, and your life's purpose
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being joyful, judicious, and just!"
~ image and source credit ~
Most of us live our lives on autopilot -- “sleepwalking” -- dimly
aware of what is going on.
How many times have you left your home wondering if the stove
was turned off?
How many times have you allowed your self to worry about issues,
and events over which you have no control?
In the midst of a busy day, awareness is important by paying full
attention on the present moment.
Here are a few ideas on awareness, and your life's purpose for
your consideration...
As an adventure, awareness helps you...
...be aware of, and focused on your life's purpose
-- what ever your life purpose may be.
...discover your life's purpose.
...gain access to those things that matter most in
living your life's purpose.
...gain insight into how transient life really is.
...get less entangled with your thoughts.
...plan your daily activities around focusing on,
and achieving your life's purpose.
Go ahead, start your adventure of awareness -- living in the
moment -- living your life's purpose.
Start now!
The more you use your awareness the more you get to know
awareness, and your life's purpose.
Do you want to know more about awareness, and your life's
purpose in your business, personal, and professional life?
Press this link>>>
Read More >>>
Conclusions, and takeaways
At the end of each day, are you dealing with awareness, and your
life's purpose in your business, personal, and professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how awareness,
and your life's purpose helps you get more done with less distress,
and eustress.
We encourage, and support you dealing with awareness, and your
life's purpose!
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition or situation.]
Preview of Next Edition
Making a difference
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The power of awareness
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being imaginative, inspired, and intuitive!"
~ image and source credit ~
Here are a few ideas on the power of awareness for
your consideration...
...awareness is one of the keys to managing stress.
...awareness is the key needed for survival.
...awareness is the key needed to make effective decisions.
...awareness is the key to empower your life.
...awareness is the key to healthier relationships.
...awareness is the key to help you with what you have,
what you need, and how to get help, and to give help to
So, what exactly is awareness?
Merriam Webster Online defines awareness as "...vigilance
in observing or alertness in drawing inferences from what
one experiences."
Awareness is ultimately your choice to listen to, and to take
action on important issues such as toxic environment stress
indicators/symptoms that appear as a result of your external
and internal environments.
Awareness is ultimately your choice to take responsibility
for your own life, health and well-being.
The more you use your awareness the more you get to know
the power of awareness.
Do you want to know more about the power of awareness
in your business, personal, and professional life?
Press this link>>>
Read More >>>
At the end of each day, are you dealing with the power of
awareness in your business, personal, and professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how the
power of awareness helps you get more done with less
distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support you dealing with the power of
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You
must seek prompt attention for any specific condition or
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Awareness, and your life's purpose
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The importance of awareness
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment with awareness is the key
to being happy, healthy, and honest!"
~ image and source credit ~
How are you changing the world?
Want to be invaluable, and remarkable to decision makers?
Want to live your life on purpose?
Here are a few ideas, and questions about the importance
of awareness for your consideration...
...awareness has an affect on the decisions you make.
...awareness involves being observant on everything going on
around, and within you.
...being aware of the importance of awareness is the key to
emotional health, physical health, and well-being in your
daily life.
By answering the following questions you may find what
your awareness indicators are...
Are you aware of what you want?
Are you aware of your body, and your breathing?
Is your life what you want your life to be?
As the creator of your life, and your destiny you must be in
the moment, and focus on what you want since awareness,
and energy flows where your awareness goes.
The challenge is in the awareness of what you really want.
The more you use your awareness the more you get to know
the importance of awareness, and the power of awareness.
Do you want to know more about the importance of awareness
in your business, personal, and professional life?
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At the end of each day, are you dealing with the importance
of awareness in your business, personal, and professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how the
importance of awareness helps you get more done with less
distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support you dealing with the importance
of awareness!
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition or situation.]
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The power of awareness
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Finding common ground with others
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment without thinking is the key
to being generous, grateful, and grounded!"
~ image and source credit ~
How are your relationships with others working for you?
What challenges do you have in finding common ground with
Here are a few steps to finding common ground with others
for your consideration...
...accept your challenges
...awareness is essential
...be aware of your challenges
...be aware of your willingness to choose to accept,
and approve of others, and your self
...be aware of, and accept all of the energy levels
you create when you focus on what you want to
...finding common ground with others requires an
exchange of energy
...focus on, and hold on to what you want, and then
take action
...overcoming your challenges is a matter of choice
Being aware, and making a choice on how you are going to deal
with finding common ground with others gets you to a state of
well-being in your daily life.
Do you want to know more about finding common ground with
others in your business, personal, and professional life?
Press this link>>>
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At the end of each day, are you dealing with finding common
ground with others in your business, personal, and professional
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how finding
common ground with others helps you get more done with less
distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support you dealing with finding common
ground with others!
[This information is intended for your knowledge only. You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition or situation.]
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The importance of awareness
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Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Awareness, choice, stress, and well-being
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment without thinking is the key
to being fantastic, fascinating, and focused!"
~ image and source credit ~
Did you know living with awareness, there is choice as
to how-to deal with stress to arrive at the state of well-
Did you know stress is OK... distress, and eustress are
Did you know stress is needed to live, and be creative;
so be aware of when your stress becomes distress, and
Your body is continually sending you signals.
These signals -- also known as physical cues -- are stress
indicators, your body's reactions to these stressors:
Natural, and normal breathing is a valuable tool
for your emotional, and physical health, and well-
being. Check your breathing to see when your
breathing is jammed, natural, reversed or shallow.
Avoid fluorescent lighting, dirty ventilation, and sick
buildings. Awareness of your body's response to this
stressor is the first step to managing, and overcoming
your indicators, your reactions. The choice is yours!
Change your attitude, the way you look at, and see
things, and see your world change. Killer attitudes
are: frustration, negativity, resentment, and self-pity.
Life producing attitudes are: appreciation of others,
and self; diversification of actions, and thoughts;
and realistic goals.
Mindful nutrition is a valuable tool to emotional,
and physical health, and well being. Caffeine
creates stress reactions. Eating three meals, and
two snacks a day works wonders. Eating white
products sugar, white flour, white rice creates
stress reactions. Fresh fruit, and vegetables help
reduce your stress reactions. What about nitrates,
and preservatives? Are they in the foods you eat?
Your body is telling you what choices to make.
Becoming aware, and making a choice as to how you are
going to deal with your stress indicators, stress reactions
gets you to the state of well-being in your daily life
Do you want to know more about awareness, choice,
stress, and well-being for you, your business, and your
professional life?
Press this link>>>
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At the end of each day, are you dealing with awareness,
choice, stress, and well-being in your business, personal,
and professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how
awareness, choice, stress, and well-being is helping you
get more done with less distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support you dealing with awareness,
choice, stress, and well-being!
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Finding common ground with others
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Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Process skills with social media
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment without thinking is the key
to being energized, enthusiastic, and exciting!"
~ image and source credit ~
Have you ever wondered what makes social media so important
in learning process skills?
Here are a few revised ideas from Dr. Rae's "Process Oriented
Curriculum: A design your own curriculum" for your consideration...
...acquiring process skills with soclal media provides the
learner with opportunities to learn conceptualizing, decision
making, generalizing, relating, problem-solving, and self-
direction skills.
...process skills with soclal media are retained for longer
periods of time.
...process skills with soclal media help individuals become
independent learners.
...process skills with soclal media help the learner acquire,
apply, organize, and use information from different disciplines,
and situations in meaningful, productive, relevant, and satisfying
...the storehouse of knowledge is so great that instruction is
impossible for the learner to know all there is to know.
...the world is changing so rapidly that predicting what is going
to be needed in the learning process is almost impossible.
Do you want to know more about process skills with social
media for you, your business, and your professional life?
Press this link>>>
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At the end of each day, are you dealing with process skills with
social media in your business, personal, and professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how process
skills with social media is helping you get more done with less
distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support you dealing with process skills with
social media!
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Awareness, choice, stress, and well-being
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Self-directed learning with social media
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment without thinking is the key
to being decisive, delighted, and distress-free!"
~ image and source credit ~
Have you ever wondered what is involved in self-directed learning with social media?
Here are a few ideas, resources, and thoughts for your consideration...
> Currently we are witness to the many options,
and possibilities for the future of self-directed
learning with social media, and looking forward to
what is in store for all of us in our businesses,
homes, and schools.
> Learning, and teaching what rather than how-to
curricula emphasis on goals, and objectives dealing
with knowledge, and information central to a discipline
ignores what the learner must do to acquire, organize,
and apply information.
> Process-oriented curricula are scarce, leaving the
learner at a loss in process-skills, as in how-to
generate, and utilize information in a meaningful,
productive, relevant, and satisfying way.
> Process skills such as: conceptualization, decision
making, generalizing, relating, and self-direction are
not being achieved satisfactorily by majority of students
in elementary, high school, or college levels.
> The process of self-directed learning with social media
consists of collaborative exploration, and interaction with
learners' interest without any judgment by means of social
media networking, and tools such as: iphones, ipads, video,
webcam, and tools yet to be created!
> "Learning environment for self-directed learning,
collaboration and social networking" resource
> "New Dimensions to Self-Directed Learning in An Open Networked Learning Environment - Abstract" by Rita Kop
and Hélène Fournier
> "Online learning and distance education resources"
Do you want to know more about self-directed learning with social media for you, your business, and your professional life?
Press this link>>>
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At the end of each day, are you dealing with self-directed learning
with social media in your business, personal, and professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how self-directed learning with social media is helping you get more done with less distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support you dealing with self-directed learning with social media!
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Process skills, and social media
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