Wednesday, April 25, 2012

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
OYSR => SnapShot 8: Stress and Your Health

Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment is living with awareness;
a moment that is truly yours; a ubiquitous moment that
takes courage, and trust!
"  Comments/Questions

~ image and source credit ~

April is Stress Awareness Month, and a great time to continue our
14 SnapShot series on Overcoming Your Stress Reactions with
SnapShot 8: Stress and Your Health

Stress can be an invigorating life force.  By acquiring management
skills that reduce your stress, you are able to better concentrate,
focus, and even reach peak performance under pressure.

In contrast, intense and persistent anger, fear, frustration or worry
without let-up become distress that can undermine your well-being.

Negative stress (distress), if constant affects your immune system,
leaving you more susceptible to disease.

While stress is a fact of life, you can learn to manage your stress
by being aware of your stressors and your stress indicators.  You
can minimize and even eliminate their impact on your health, and
your mental, and physical well-being.

Be sure that you learn more about the impact of your stress on
your health.

Want to know more about stress and your health?

Press this link>>>

Read More >>>

At the end of each day, are you aware of stress and your health
in your business, your personal, and your professional life?

Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how when you
are aware of stress and your health you get more done
with less distress, and eustress.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.  You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition and/or situation.]

Preview of Next Blog
OYSR => SnapShot 9: The Power of Intention and Feeling Good

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
OYSR => SnapShot 7: Reduce Your Stress by Managing Your Priorities

Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being in the present moment without thinking you are the observer
of your life!
"  Comments/Questions

~ image and source credit ~

April is Stress Awareness Month, and a great time to continue our
14 SnapShot series on Overcoming Your Stress Reactions with
SnapShot 7: Reduce Your Stress by Managing Your Priorities

Pressure and stress can threaten your effectiveness in your business,
and in your personal life.

By managing your priorities... are confident, and you stay confident. are flexible, and in control as you focus on your goal. gain effective ways to let go of your procrastination. keep on track with your "to do" list. make sound decisions under pressure. recognize the warning signs of distress, and eustress. take control of your life.

By managing your priorities you manage, and control your time;
multiple priorities; unexpected, and difficult situations; pressure,
and stress.

Want to know more about how-to reduce your stress by managing
your priorities?

Press this link>>>

Read More >>>

At the end of each day, how do you reduce your stress by managing
your priorities
in your business, your personal, and your professional

Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how when you
reduce your stress by managing your priorities you get more done
with less distress, and eustress.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.  You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition and/or situation.]

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OYSR => SnapShot 8: Stress and Your Health

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
OYSR => SnapShot 6: Making a Difference Revisited

Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being in the present moment without thinking helps you stay
alert, focused, and grounded!
"  Comments/Questions

      ~ image and source credit ~       ~ image and source credit ~

April is Stress Awareness Month, and a great time to continue our
14 SnapShot series on Overcoming Your Stress Reactions with
SnapShot 6: Making a Difference Revisited

How many times have you set your goals, and your agenda for a
particular day only to find that there wasn't enough time to do
what you wanted to do, and what was important for you to do?

Is it because you need to define what is important to you, or
are the goals, and action steps too challenging?  Exactly where
do you want to make a difference in your life, and in the lives
of others?

Do you want to make a difference...

...with your education?
...with your family?
...with your health?
...with your social life?
...with your spiritual life?
...with your wealth?
...with your work?

Start now...

Make a list of what is important, and challenging for you.

You'll be glad you did because when you look at, and work
through this list you return to what is important to you, and
do what is important to you.

You also begin to notice that what you are doing now is just
taking you away from what is important to you, and you begin
to realize that you are able to do what is important to you as
soon as you decide to take action.

To take action is really that simple.

So what are you waiting for, and what is stopping you?

When faced with a challenge, are you eager to embrace the
challenge or do you shrivel up, and/or hide?

Now is the time to make a difference by anticipating, and
accepting the challenges you face.

You can make a difference by...

- using your unique purpose (the reason you are on this earth)
- making the world a better place than the way you found it.
- extending yourself with acts of kindness.
- being a "daymaker" by making someone's day.

What do you want to know more about making a difference in
your life?

Press to know more about making a difference

Read More >>>

At the end of each day, are you making a difference in your business,
in your personal, and in your professional life?

Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how when you are
making a difference helps you get more done with less distress.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.  You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition and/or situation.]

Preview of Next Blog
OYSR => SnapShot 7: Reduce Your Stress by Managing Your Priorities

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Wednesday, April 04, 2012

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
OYSR => SnapShot 5: Change Just One Thing

Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being in the present moment without thinking you are your self;
and you are true to your self when you feel far from your self.
This alters the balance in all of your relationships, and changes
your life!
"  Comments/Questions

~ image and source credit ~

April is Stress Awareness Month, and a great time to continue our
14 SnapShot series on Overcoming Your Stress Reactions with
SnapShot 5: Change Just One Thing

For your consideration, here are a few ideas to help you change
just one thing

Now is the time for you to change just one thing.

What do you want to change in your life?

Having only positive thoughts during this exercise helps you
develop action steps to achieve this change.

Think of just one thing you want to change in your business life,
and think of just one thing you want to change in your personal

Do you want to be more courageous, more flexible, and more
optimistic in your business, and personal relationships?

If your answer is yes...

Make a list of what your action steps must be for you to be more
courageous, more flexible, and more optimistic.

Again staying positive...

You begin to change just one thing in your business, and personal
life by knowing what you want to change, and the action steps you
need to take to get there.

Press to know more about how-to change just one thing

Read More >>>

At the end of each day, do you change just one thing in your business,
in your personal, and in your professional life?

Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how when you
change just one thing helps you get more done with less distress.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.  You must
seek prompt attention for any specific condition and/or situation.]

Preview of Next Blog
OYSR => SnapShot 6: Making a Difference Revisited

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