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Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Self-directed learning with social media
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment without thinking is the key
to being decisive, delighted, and distress-free!"
~ image and source credit ~
Have you ever wondered what is involved in self-directed learning with social media?
Here are a few ideas, resources, and thoughts for your consideration...
> Currently we are witness to the many options,
and possibilities for the future of self-directed
learning with social media, and looking forward to
what is in store for all of us in our businesses,
homes, and schools.
> Learning, and teaching what rather than how-to
curricula emphasis on goals, and objectives dealing
with knowledge, and information central to a discipline
ignores what the learner must do to acquire, organize,
and apply information.
> Process-oriented curricula are scarce, leaving the
learner at a loss in process-skills, as in how-to
generate, and utilize information in a meaningful,
productive, relevant, and satisfying way.
> Process skills such as: conceptualization, decision
making, generalizing, relating, and self-direction are
not being achieved satisfactorily by majority of students
in elementary, high school, or college levels.
> The process of self-directed learning with social media
consists of collaborative exploration, and interaction with
learners' interest without any judgment by means of social
media networking, and tools such as: iphones, ipads, video,
webcam, and tools yet to be created!
> "Learning environment for self-directed learning,
collaboration and social networking" resource
> "New Dimensions to Self-Directed Learning in An Open Networked Learning Environment - Abstract" by Rita Kop
and Hélène Fournier
> "Online learning and distance education resources"
Do you want to know more about self-directed learning with social media for you, your business, and your professional life?
Press this link>>>
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At the end of each day, are you dealing with self-directed learning
with social media in your business, personal, and professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how self-directed learning with social media is helping you get more done with less distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support you dealing with self-directed learning with social media!
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Process skills, and social media
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Addictive behavior
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being in the present moment without thinking is the
key to being centered, confident, and courageous!"
~ image and source credit ~
The process of living life causes every body to have
addictive behavior at one time or another.
These times are when we choose to block out, numb,
panic, and screen the pain from our emotional feelings
of being alone, anxious, angry, bored, fearful, lonely,
outraged... and list goes on!
From a bioenergetic analysis perspective the leading
causes of addictive behavior are low-esteem, and
self-doubt. Both of these causes also play a role in
post-traumatic stress disorders.
Low-esteem, and self-doubt are survival mechanisms
learned while being parented; and rather than feel the
emotions that comes with low-esteem, and self-doubt
every body has at least one addictive behavior -- or
Have you ever wondered what is involved in being
aware, and accepting your authentic true self -- the
real you?
Do you want to know more about addictive behavior?
Press this link>>>
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At the end of each day, are you dealing with addictive
behavior in your business, personal, and professional
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below
how addictive behavior helps you get more done
with less distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support you dealing with addictive
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Self-directed learning with social media
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Finding creative solutions
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being in the present moment without thinking is the
key to feeling beautiful, blissful, and bountiful!"
~ image and source credit ~
Do you believe you are not creative, and therefore unable
to find creative solutions?
Have you considered letting go of having to find creative
solutions, and start looking at, and for others to find
creative solutions!
Have you wondered what is involved in finding creative
We begin our exploration on finding creative solutions
with the following ideas, resources, and thoughts for
your consideration...
...5 ways to boost your creative power
...a calm body, and a quiet mind
...a secret to creative problem solving
...boost creativity, and innovation in 10minutes
...finding creative solutions by using 'What if...?'
...five creativity exercises to find your passion
Collaboration, and engaging with others by focusing on
others' finding creative solutions happened yesterday
with a situation we were unable to resolve.
Sharing this situation with another person created the
solution that worked for all of us.
Do you want to know more about finding creative
solutions? Press this link>>>
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At the end of each day, are you finding creative
solutions in your business, your personal, and
your professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below
how finding creative solutions helps you get more
done with less distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support you in finding creative
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Addictive behavior
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Thursday, July 05, 2012
Buyer motives vs selling skills
NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being in the present moment without thinking is the key
to acceptance, appreciation, and awareness!"
~ image and source credit ~
Do you know what buyers want?
Have you considered stop selling, and start looking at, and
for the buyer motives to buy!
Have you wondered what makes buyers buy?
We begin our exploration on buyer motives vs selling skills
with the following ideas, and thoughts for your consideration...
...buyers buy for their needs, reasons, and requirements
...engage, and focus on helping, and serving buyers
...sharing your best buyer motives with others may get
you referrals
...selling skills miss buyer needs, reasons, and requirements
...selling skills require self-motivation to make sales
...selling skills tend to be ego involved, and self-oriented
Do you want to know more about buyer motives vs selling skills?
Press this link>>>
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At the end of each day, do you know the difference between buyer
motives vs selling skills in your business, your personal, and your
professional life?
Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how knowing
the difference between buyer motives vs selling skills helps you
get more done with less distress, and eustress.
We encourage, and support you in getting to know the difference
between buyer motives vs selling skills!
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Finding creative solutions
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