Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Lessons learned about uncertainty

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...

Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment is your key to
your nature, needs, and nutrition!

        ~ image source credit ~

Did you know that how you feel about uncertainty is related to
how you feel about your lessons learned about uncertainty?

For your consideration here are a few ideas about uncertainty...

...uncertainty is natural!

...uncertainty is normal!

...uncertainty is uncomfortable!

...uncertainty leads to creativity!

...uncertainty prevents collaboration!

...uncertainty prevents engagement!

Conclusions, and takeaways

Accept your feelings about uncertainty.

Take your lessons learned about uncertainty to the next level with...

Reading The Power of Now

Bottom line: Uncertainty requires acceptance, acknowledgment,
awareness, patience, resolve, and trust to move on!

The choice is yours!

Press this link >>> to know more on how you feel about your lessons
learned about uncertainty

Read More >>>

What are your feelings about your lessons learned about uncertainty?

Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how you feel about
your lessons learned about uncertainty helps you get more done with less
distress, and eustress.

We encourage you; and we support you, and your lessons learned about

Thank you for your participation, and your readership.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.  You must seek
prompt attention for any specific condition, and situation.]

Preview of Next Edition ~ April 3, 2013
Lessons learned about victory

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lessons learned about trust

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...

Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment is your key to
your market, moment, and motivation!

                  ~ image source credit ~

Did you know that how you feel about trust is related to
how you feel about your lessons learned about trust?

For your consideration here are a few ideas about trust... by sharing globally! is a desirable, and learned skill! may push you out of your comfort zone! others by trusting your self! takes courage! with continuous commitment, and growth!

Conclusions, and takeaways

Accept your feelings about trust.

Take your lessons learned about trust to the next level with...

Reading The Power of Now

Bottom line: Trust by being engaging, having fun while sharing your
self with others! The choice is yours!

Press this link >>> to know more on how you feel about your lessons
learned about trust

Read More >>>

What are your feelings about your lessons learned about trust?

Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how you feel about
your lessons learned about trust helps you get more done with less
distress, and eustress.

We encourage you; and we support you, and your lessons learned about

Thank you for your participation, and your readership.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.  You must seek
prompt attention for any specific condition, and situation.]

Preview of Next Edition
Lessons learned about uncertainty

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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Lessons learned about strategy

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...

Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment is your key to
your laughter, life, and love!

                        ~ image source credit ~

Did you know that how you feel about strategy is related to
how you feel about your lessons learned about strategy?

For your consideration here are a few ideas about strategy
to create real value for your social community...

...follow big ideas carefully!

...follow innovators cautiously!

...get smarter by collaborating, and engaging
    with others!

...partner for growth with commitment!

...share globally continuously! others by trusting your self!

Conclusions, and takeaways

Accept your feelings about strategy.

Take your lessons learned about strategy to the next level with...

Reading The Power of Now

Bottom line: Use your strategy proactively, and wisely!  The choice
is yours!

Press this link >>> to know more on how you feel about your lessons
learned about strategy

Read More >>>

What are your feelings about your lessons learned about strategy?

Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how you feel about
your lessons learned about strategy helps you get more done with less
distress, and eustress.

We encourage you; and we support you, and your lessons learned about

Thank you for your participation, and your readership.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.  You must seek
prompt attention for any specific condition, and situation.]

Preview of Next Edition
Lessons learned about trust

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