Wednesday, August 09, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Your Élan Connection

Élan is a personal thing.  It is about your energy
and soul connection to your life and your work.

Your élan connection is when your energy flows,
when you are at one with the moment, and when
you are moving to a higher level of energy -- of
creating and recreating.

Your élan connection is when you find the energy
to stand up for what you believe -- at that moment
for you, as for most people with élan, there is a
conviction, a vision, a heart that goes against
prevailing forces.

Your élan connection makes your heart sing as it
did for Peter Drucker when he set new standards
of service in corporations and agencies everywhere.

Peter Drucker's elan connection, his presence and
integrity lit fires and hope wherever he went.

Focus relentlessly on what matters to you!

Be kind, be sensitive and do everything from your
heart because it is okay for you to learn, grow, and
awaken your élan connection so that your energy
flows when you are at one with the moment.

We look forward to supporting you on your élan
journey.  Let us know your thoughts by posting
your comments here.

[This information is intended for your knowledge
only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
specific condition and/or situation]

Related Resources
Getting A Handle On Your Stress
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with stressors, stress indicators
and how to make the choices that work for you.

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work for you.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
The Awareness Key

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