From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Developing the Leader Within You
What is a leader, and how can you develop the leader
within you?
Here are some qualities of a leader for you to consider...
1. having a strong desire to achieve something
2. having an ability to begin and follow through with a plan
or task
3. being authentic, intuitive and optimistic
4. having a dedication to a cause
5. having talents and specific skills
6. having an ability to motivate
7. having a sense of purpose, clear goals, and commitment
8. being results-oriented by directing every action towards
a goal and prioritizing activities toward spending time on
9. having an optimistic view of life
10. having a belief in your ability to "make a difference"
10.1 having an ability to encourage and nurture those that
report to you
10.2 having an ability to delegate in such a way for people
to grow
10.3 having an ability to lead by example
10.4 having self-awareness and self-knowledge
10.5 having an understanding of what others say, rather
than listening to how they say things - this quality is like
"walking in someone's shoes"
Bottom line, developing the leader within you is learned.
Related Resources
Learning to Lead : A Workbook on Becoming a Leader
by Warren G. Bennis and Joan Goldsmith
On Becoming a Leader : The Leadership Classic--Updated And Expanded
by Warren G. Bennis
The Leadership Pill
by Ken Blanchard and Marc Muchnick
Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates
Preview of Next Week's Edition
Having What You Want
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