Wednesday, March 21, 2007

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
[From a Bioenergetic Analyst]
Making a Difference in Your Life

Energy is all around you, and also within you.

Since you need energy to live, how you deal with your energy
determines how you live.

At the end of the day, restoring the energetic balance within
yourself and your environment when by life events you are
thrown out of your energetic balance, you...

...are held accountable
...must face your inner resources
...must face the situation
...must know who you are
...must take responsibility for your behavior

Bioenergetic analysis is a way of understanding your behavior
and personality by focusing on your body's energetic processes.

Bioenergetic analysts study human energy and energy blocks
in the body, and view muscle tension as energy blocks.

When and wherever these energy blocks are released and
integrated -- with their guidance and support -- you gain access
to the emotions that have been motivating you, your behavior
and your thoughts.

By being aware, accepting and knowing what motivates you,
your behavior and your thoughts, you gain a new perspective
of your choices and your decision-making.

Share your energy concerns with others here because this is
your year to continue learning about your energy

We encourage and support you on your energy journey

In future editions more helpful hints, thoughts and workable
strategies will be presented in areas of your life that must be
looked at for any improvement you want.

Ask for "a list of life's areas to review" by visiting
Your Stress Matters.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation.]

Related Resources and Sponsors
by Alexander Lowen M. D.
[Contact The Baum Group for your copy]

Concierge Services
Bringing Out Your Best Energetically

Deluxe Assistance
Change the Way You Look at Things
with Dr. Rae

Human energy
by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Information Products
Bioenergetic Analysis and You
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make decisions that work.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog

Ask Us : ...for our Annual Service Plan to help you
with "your energy" by pressing tell me more for
your Spring Discount.

Learn More : Information Products

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