Wednesday, April 02, 2008

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Meet the Best - VI

"April is Stress Awareness Month."
   [The Baum Group]

Do you know of a better way to overcome your stress
reactions than to discover your strengths?

Do you know that your awareness and mindfulness
brings you better choices and decisions, and a
better life?

What would your life be like if you had a personal
to guide you on a daily, weekly and monthly
basis on information products of your choosing?

Certainly your life is worth investing in yourself.

Here is a coach who has touched our lives deeply
in the past months and we are pleased to share his
work with you in this sixth entry of Meet the Best.

Introducing with appreciation and gratitude this
month's "meet the best" coach Tom Rath

Tom Rath has been sharing his work with us for
several years.

Here are a few thoughts from his book
StrengthsFinder 2.0

  "Every human being, has talents that are just
waiting to be uncovered."  [p. 30]

*  "...the purpose of [this book] is not to anoint
you with strengths -- it simply helps you find the
areas where you have the potential to develop
[your] strengths.
"  [p. 31]

Read More >>>>

Preview of Next Blog
Motivational News You Can Use - VI

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