Wednesday, July 27, 2011

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Endless possibilities

"Being in the present moment breathing without any thought helps you relax
and find the confidence within you to make a difference!  Comments
Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment

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Endless possibilities happen when you collaborate, engage and share time
with others!

To keep your self from losing your self in any relationship, stay grounded!

Here is how to stay grounded...

Whether you are laying down, sitting or standing, to stay grounded keep
your feet parallel to each other shoulder width apart as you follow your
breath move through your body without any thought.  When you catch
your self thinking, focus on your breath.

Losing your self results in losing interest, and this then presents you with
the tendency to move on by changing your perspective.

Steps that must be made to avoid losing your self are...

*  a willingness to reformulate your left-behind challenges

*  answering questions about the challenges you left behind

*  self-reliance [Source: Jeffrey Gitomer "Orison Swett Marden: An Original
" Success Magazine, August 2011, pp. 40-43] ]

One thing is for sure, only through honest questioning and reflection on
your endless possibilities are they able to become viable new beginnings
for you.

So, are you ready?

Press this link to explore your endless possibilities >>>

Read More >>>

At the end of the day, what are your endless possibilities in your business,
personal and professional life?

Tell us about how being aware of your endless possibilities helps you get
more done with less distress by clicking "Post Your Comment Here" below...

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.  You must seek prompt
for any specific condition and/or situation.]

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