Wednesday, December 27, 2006

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Lessons Learned and What Really Works

This is the final One Minute Report for 2006, a good time
to take stock of the lessons learned and what really works.

Here are a few on our list.

1.    Answers are out there; you must know whom to ask.

2.    Anything worthwhile requires commitment, determination,
imagination, and persistence.

3.    Be grateful for what you have, be hopeful about the future
and believe in yourself.

4.    Create inspiring intentions by changing your limiting beliefs.

5.    Discover the joy of giving, and give every day in every way
by reaching out to others.

6.    Feel good in your own skin and ask for what you want.

7.    Find your voice and teach the world new ways to dream.

8.    Live your purpose to get the best from human nature.

9.    Make decisions that boost your morale and your productivity.

10.  Protect your health and stay healthy by eating fresh fruits
and vegetables.

11.  Wear shoes made of materials that "breathe" such as
leather and canvas.

12.  You bring into your life what you put your attention on.

        I want more lessons learned and what really works.

Create your list and share them with others.  By sharing the lessons
you learned and what really works for you with others here you may
find others who have similar lessons and what really works for them.

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you on the lessons
you learned and what really works for you.

And finally, remember to harness the power of your dreams.

                             Happy New Year

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.
You must seek prompt attention for any specific condition
and/or situation]

Related Resources
Concierge Services : Lessons Learned and What Really Works

Deluxe Assistance : Change the Way You Look at Things
with Dr. Rae

Information Products
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make the decisions that work.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Preview of Next Week's Blog
Harness the Power of Dreams

Ask Us : help you with "lessons learned and what really
works." (Press Tell me more... for your Winter Discount)

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