Wednesday, April 22, 2009

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Stress Awareness ~ 3

"Mindfulness is staying in the present moment
by focusing on your body and your breathing
without thinking. To avoid mindlessness, a
forgetful stress reaction, practice mindfulness
by staying in the moment when you begin to
find yourself thinking about the future or the
past. As a way of being aware in the present,
mindfulness lowers your stress reactions."

[Your Weekly StressTip]

Stress Awareness Month is almost ending.

So, have you taken your stress temperature yet?

Press here and do it now because you must first know the level of
your stress to take action in overcoming and managing your stress
before your stress becomes distress.

Do you know your stressors and your stress indicators?

Being aware of your stressors (causes) and your stress indicators
(stress reactions/body signals) is the next step in overcoming and
managing your stress.

Did you know that you are able to overcome and manage your
stress reactions with a quiet mind and a calm body?

How often during the day do you have a quiet mind and a calm

What would your life be like with a quiet mind and a calm body?

Read more on "how-to" >>>

Preview of Next Blog
Stress Awareness ~ 4

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