Wednesday, September 15, 2010

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
Stressor: your breathing

"Be aware and mindful of your being each moment of every day
since life is all about being.  Comments/Questions
Your Weekly StressTip

Did you know that your breathing style may be a stressor, the cause
of your distress or eustress?

Are you able to follow your breath as it moves through your body?

Check your breathing style to see when your breathing is jammed,
natural, reversed or shallow.

For natural normal breathing, your chest and belly expands when
breathing in and deflates when breathing out.

  [Caution: Go slow.  Attempting to fix your breathing style by
    taking in more oxygen than your body knows may cause
    hyperventilation.  If this occurs, cup your hands lightly over
    your mouth (rather than look for a paper bag) and breathe
    in and out slowly.  You can do this while sitting or standing,
    preferably sitting.]

Holding your breath until after you have completed an activity
(talking, walking, etc.) creates a physical response, a stress reaction.

Today is the day for you to recognize that nothing is more important
than unstressed, unforced, natural breathing.

Press this link to let go of a stressor: your breathing.

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