Wednesday, March 21, 2012

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
OYSR => SnapShot 3: Unique Abilities, Interests, and Talents

Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment you have self-confidence, and strength!"

~ image and source credit ~

We continue with our 14 SnapShot series on Overcoming Your Stress
Reactions => SnapShot 3: Unique Abilities, Interests, and Talents

Here are a few ways to open your self to your unique abilities, interest,
and talents
for your consideration...

We all possess a combination of abilities, interests, and talents that are
unique to each one of us.

Do you know yours?

Now you can discover your combination of unique abilities, interests,
and talents
by answering the following questions.

>  Are you a self-starter?

>  Do you like people?

>  Do you see obstacles as opportunities, and turn challenges
into workable projects?

>  Are you are creatively curious, take charge, and see things
through with style?

>  Do you have a calm body, and quiet mind?

>  Do you listen with, and speak from your heart, and your mind?

>  Do you say what you mean, and mean what you say?

>  Are you a kind, considerate, loveable, honest, and trustworthy
decision maker, and leader; and always eager to learn new things
as well as rely on what you already know?

>  Are you resource full, and not afraid to ask for help, and follow

Press to know more about your unique abilities, interests, and talents

Read More >>>

At the end of each day, how are you using your unique abilities, interests,
and talents
in your business, your personal, and your professional life?

Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how using your unique
abilities, interests, and talents
helps you get more done with less distress.

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.  You must seek
prompt attention
for any specific condition and/or situation.]

Preview of Next Blog
OYSR => SnapShot 4: The Art of Making a Difference

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