Wednesday, May 16, 2007

From The Baum Group Collection
on eSolutions...
Your Spirituality
Making a Difference in Your Life

Spirituality is defined as "the quality or state of being spiritual"
and is being used in this One Minute Report as a "connection
to something 'greater' than oneself." [Source :]

Are you a spiritual being in physical form or are you a physical
being searching for your spirituality?

You are both spiritual and physical.

Your aspirations are spiritual; your safety and comfort are physical.

Your spiritual aspiration is to grow; and your physical aspiration is
to keep things as they are.

Knowing what you want to achieve plays a critical part in achieving
either aspirations.

Here are some ideas to consider...

Your spirituality is an aesthetic concept, and not a religious one.

Your spirituality is rooted in universal human awareness.

Religion has rituals, spirituality does not

Your spirituality comes to you in different ways at different times.

According to Deepak Chopra, M.D., when you stay in the present
moment without fear and judgment you let go of your self-image,
and experience your spirituality, your higher self.

You experience your higher self in situations when you feel a
level of contentment and peace.

You experience your higher self in all of your activities when
you are aware of and know your perception, your belief system
and your attitude.

Bottom line...

Get out of your comfort zone by focusing on what really matters
to you while asking yourself these questions...

What do I want to achieve and reach?

What thoughts do I have about myself and my ability to achieve
and reach what I want?

What feelings do I have about myself that may influence my ability
to achieve and reach what I want?

Do I really want to achieve and reach what I want?

At the end of the day, your spirituality makes your heart sing.

Share your feelings and thoughts with others here because this
is the week to continue working on your spirituality.

We encourage and support your spirituality.

In future editions more helpful hints, thoughts and workable
strategies will be presented for you to look at for the improvements
you want to make in your life.

Ask for "a list of life's areas to review" by visiting
Your Stress Matters.

          [This information is intended for your knowledge
          only.  You must seek prompt attention for any
          specific condition and/or situation]

Related Resources and Sponsors
Concierge Services
Your Spirituality

Deluxe Assistance
Change the Way You Look at Things
with Dr. Rae

Information Products
Quiet Your Mind and Calm Your Emotions
with The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates

Listen To and Heed Your Inner Voice
by Dr. Rae Baum deals with knowing yourself and how
to make decisions that work.

Motivational News You Can Use eBook
by The Baum Group/Dr. Rae and Associates deals with
motivational tips that work for you.

The Higher Self by Deepak Chopra, M.D.

Weekly TeleClasses
with Dr. Rae Baum deal with locating your stressors by
being mindful of your stress indicators and learning how
to release your stress reactions.

Why We Believe What We Believe : Uncovering Our Biological
Need for Meaning, Spirituality, and Truth
by Andrew Newberg, M.D.
and Mark Robert Waldman

Preview of Next Blog
May 30, 2007

Your values

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