Wednesday, May 23, 2012

NOW on Your Wireless Media Device
From The Baum Group Collection
on "how-to" eSolutions...
OYSR => SnapShot 12: The Law of Attraction

Weekly Reminder: Live in the present moment
"Being present in the moment without thought increases
your awareness, and trust in your self!

~ image and source credit ~

We continue our 14 SnapShot series on Overcoming Your Stress
with SnapShot 12: The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction states that what ever you give your attention,
energy, and focus on, you attract into your life -- whether what you
focus on is on what you want, or do not want.

Want to know if you are giving negative or positive attention in any
area of your life?

Take a look at what you are receiving!

We tend to place our attention on what we surround ourselves with,
so surround yourself with abundance, confidence, joy, and love rather
than distress, eustress, frustration, lack, irritation, and resentment.

The attention you surround yourself with -- whether with people,
places, or things -- creates, and determines your future, and present
strategies for your life, and your work.


Live with what you feel good about.

Live your passion, live your life's purpose -- learn more about your
life's purpose because the attraction, and strategies you generated
from your life's purpose is positive and limitless.

Do you want to know more about the law of attraction?

Press this link>>>

Read More >>>

At the end of each day, are you dealing with the law of attraction in
your business, your personal, and your professional life?

Tell us in the "Post Your Comment Here" link below how dealing with
the law of attraction helps you get more done with less distress, and

[This information is intended for your knowledge only.  You must seek
prompt attention
for any specific condition and/or situation]

Preview of Next Blog
OYSR => SnapShot 13: Choose Fascination

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